Picture of landlords unrealistic


Having been a landlord for many years and a good neighbor who makes every attempt to increase not only my property value but that of the entire neighborhood, I find the claims made in your Nov. 14 article “Deals in Toledo lure jet set” misleading.

I wonder whether you investigated the claim of one rental-property buyer who said he invested $35,000 for a $20,000-a-year income and could “recoup his investment in less than two years.”

Did you investigate the property purchased for $8,500 and yields $6,800 in rental income? Were there no repairs needed there and no off-setting expenses for property-management fees, real-estate taxes, insurance, utilities, lawn care, maintenance, and so on?

Your article paints a get-rich-quick theme that does not encourage the long-term view needed to encourage improvement of Toledo neighborhoods. While there is no shortage of inexpensive, foreclosed properties in Toledo, we also have an abundance of run-down homes in dire need of repair.

Perhaps an investigation of some properties where renovations have occurred should have been spotlighted, rather than just several short-term real estate investments. And to paint the Section 8 program as a bunch of people lined-up to move into any available property is simply wrong.

Responsible landlords typically take a much more long-term view of investments, which is overlooked in your article. By painting an unrealistic picture that focuses on predatory investment opportunities rather than real-estate investment as a long-term strategy, the article does more to hurt the rental-property market than help it.

David Ackerman


‘Trickle down' a GOP fallacy

A Nov. 12 letter commented on the high unemployment in Las Vegas and how the casinos don't seem to be alleviating the problem (“Help is coming from the casino”).

There are many wealthy people in Las Vegas, and the Republican Party would have you believe that the rich create jobs and “trickle down” means opportunities.

Another GOP fallacy?

Bill Pieper


Who is guilty in dog's death?

Information on dogs killed in your Nov. 11 dog log on “Billy,” a female lab that was euthanized by employees at the dog pound, made me furious.

Are people supposed to be on a guilt trip because no one wanted to adopt her? The log goes on to say she was kept in a wire cage too small for her and that caused her to attack another dog. Who should be on the guilt trip here?

Is it not inhumane and cruel to keep an animal in a cage that is too small for it? How sad to admit that that is the reason the dog became aggressive.

Julie Herr


Send Fed cash to the spenders

So the Federal Reserve is essentially printing $600 billion in money (“Risky business,” Nov. 15).

I'll be glad to help phase those new dollars into the money stream if they send me some.

Kurt Meyers

Schneider Road

Whose nation? Ask Republicans

In a takeoff of the ending of the Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, “government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich” seems to be the new motto of the Republican Party.

Lincoln must be turning over in his grave.

Bob Kelso


Guardrail has a purpose

It was predictable what would happen when the Corps of Engineers refused to replace the guardrail along Shoreland Avenue.

It was removed to facilitate an erosion-control project on the north bank of the Ottawa River.

The opinion given by the Corps of Engineers for not replacing it was that people would rather see the river view than a dented, scratched, rusted, and ugly piece of metal.

And how did the guardrail get dented, scratched, and ugly? It stopped vehicles from going into the river.

Unless the Corps of Engineers admits that it made a bad call and replaces the guard rail with something that is more substantial than reflectors, how many more vehicles will go in the river?

Jane Neff

Ottawa River Road

Government now eyes Yule trees

The government has a hand in cars, insurance businesses, banks, the health industry, toilet sizes, and light bulbs.

Now it wants to tax Christmas trees so the uninformed tree industry can benefit from the U.S. Agriculture Department's advertising expertise (“Local Christmas tree growers mixed on proposed ad campaign.” Nov. 14).

Did you ever imagine we would be paying for this much government?

Joe O'Leary


Marine veteran thankful for treat

As a former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, it was my privilege to enjoy a free dinner from a local restaurant on Veterans Day.

I'm sure I can speak for all the veterans when I say thank you very much for remembering us in such a special way.

Dan Douge

Parker Avenue

Hussain's column full of good style

Toledo is blessed to have Dr. S. Amjad Hussain as a Blade op-ed columnist.

I don't always agree with his opinions, but his style is excellent. His Nov. 15 column, “Adversity brings meaning to life and love,” was very poignant.

Richard Flasck

Golf Creek Road

Bicycling much better than driving

For cyclists, the inauguration of a trail crossing the Maumee River using the old Craig Bridge and linking the north side and the east side of Toledo is certainly an exciting and welcome development (“Cyclists, joggers replace cars on old I-280 segment,” Nov. 14).

Our community deserves credit for creatively using abandoned rail lines, retired highways, and surplus property to create bike and pedestrian trails.

We need to recognize that cycling can be much more than recreation. In many big cities, bicycles now provide primary transportation for people and businesses.

Bikes are inexpensive and energy efficient. With dedicated routes, they are a reasonably safe alternative to automobiles.

By linking existing trails and our educational, health-care, and commercial centers and adopting bike-friendly traffic policies, the Toledo area has the potential to become a greener and healthier community.

Thomas J. McArdle


Have insurance f you get ill

I would like to thank U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D. Toledo) so much for working so hard to get the Obama health-care bill passed.

I retired from Honeywell International in 2007, and we had very good health insurance. However, I just got a letter from the company letting me know that my insurance is being canceled as of Dec 31.

I guess it really makes a difference where Miss Kaptur stands on how good this health-care bill is for each of us.

My brother is a doctor. He has stopped his private practice because it is costing him too much to stay in practice as an emergency-room doctor.

I hope Miss Kaptur has good insurance that she can use if she gets seriously ill.

Robert J. Lemon
