UT playing games with its names


The proposed reorganization of the University of Toledo's academic structure makes no sense ("UT goes on with hiring deans to lead new colleges," Dec. 7).

The university renamed some colleges and created three new ones out of the college of arts and sciences. This spawned a lawsuit from the faculty.

The stated reasons for these changes was to give UT a marketing edge and to attract better students. I doubt students will be impressed by the new names.

One of the new colleges is to be called the college of natural sciences and mathematics because there had never been a college with mathematics in its name. Does it follow, then, that UT should have a college of history? Philosophy? Geography?

I think students will assume that mathematics is offered at UT as are these other subjects. Despite the fact that the faculty union and the trustees are arguing in court about whether UT President Dr. Lloyd Jacobs has the power to restructure its academics, he has "respectfully" hired deans for the new colleges.

Changing names makes no sense, costs money, and will not attain its stated goals.

Eleanor Gebolys


It was ironic that your Dec. 12 article "Can downtown go upscale? Clubs aimed at young professionals have struggled," bewailed the inability of Toledo to support upscale nightlife venues that "explicitly catered to the city's young professionals and aspiring sophisticates."

I say ironic because the Bronze Boar, which I own, provided such a place with its unique cigar and martini bar when it opened in 2000. The Boar was frequented by doctors, lawyers, and other professionals, who smoked fine cigars and sipped rare scotchs and wines while sitting on leather couches.

But in 2003, Toledo City Council passed the smoking ban, effectively killing the cigar bar.

Later, when the Toledo smoking ban was struck down, Toledo's law became a model for the state initiative that was subsequently passed.

If Toledo - or Ohio, for that matter - cannot support businesses that cater to professionals and "aspiring sophisticates," it has only itself to blame.

John Orr

South Huron Street

Your Dec. 9 editorial "Bad Tax Deal" suggests you are against people who strive for the American dream of a better economic life.

Government and unions do not create jobs. Small businesses with the right incentives do.

I have had many business and professional clients who started with very little but sacrificed and worked hard to achieve their dreams. I do not envy them; I applaud them for their success.

We do not need class warfare.

We need incentives for people to invest and save and allow the small-business owner to prosper. Ceilings unlimited should be our national goal.

Jim Scheib

Sylvania Township

In the Dec. 10 Reader's Forum letter "Tax The Rich," the writer said if he wanted to retire he would probably "have to save with no help from his employer."

Save for retirement? What a novel idea.

Duane Schooley

Newport, Mich.

Toledo Public Schools wants to hire a consultant for $72,000, money that is nowhere in our debt-ridden budget ("TPS may hire consultant for $72,000 to get public input," Dec. 9).

I can only surmise that this is another ploy to sneak up on the electorate by letting voters voice concerns and vent their anger.

After attempting to placate citizens in that ineffectual process, the board will slap a whopping levy on a special election ballot, hoping voter apathy will produce a low-turnout victory.

Now is not the time to manipulate voters. Now is the time for tough decisions that most assuredly will not be politically popular.

Hiring a consultant to outline budget cuts lacks the courage we need from our superintendent and school board.

George A. Jackson

Wallwerth Drive

Toledo Board of Education members are not very bright. After two failed levies, hiring a consultant for $72,000 to get public input is a waste of taxpayer funds.

When I was in school, we had no snow days, no buses, and we went home for lunch. The school board needs to live within its means like the rest of us.

Janet Craig

Malden Avenue

Here we go again, raise, raise, and raise again: The Double Dipper wants to raise trash fees again ("Bell: City must act on trash pickup option soon," Dec. 15).

Cincinnati can charge $20.50 a month. Why shouldn't Toledo?

Mayor Mike Bell needs to look at the average income of the people who live in and around Cincinnati and compare that to the income of the people who live in and around Toledo.

I'm sure he will find quite a difference. I'm a senior citizen still waiting for a cost-of-living increase. If the economy is so good, why haven't we got that? Not everybody in Toledo has two incomes.

Alan Kine

Fourth Street

Citizens beware. It appears the mayor is trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

It is not the mere 9 percent increase in my water rates that has me up in arms ("Toledo's water hike to flow on to suburbs," Dec. 12).

It is the 12.5 percent sewer rate increase, as well as the 9.9 percent storm water rate increase combined with the 9 percent water rate increase.

The total increase to residents from those figures alone is stunning. And plans call for continued increases over the years.

How can those of us who are on fixed incomes or "underemployed" - if we are employed at all - manage this?

There's got to be another way.

Stephanie Bluni

Douglas Road

For city workers in 1934, there was no double-dipping. My grandfather earned his money the hard way.

Every Christmas Eve, he was called to work to spread salt on the roads. In those days, the worker stood in the back of the moving truck and used a shovel to spread the salt.

My grandfather had no winter clothes so my grandmother would put newspaper on his front and back under his coat to help keep him warm. I hate to see it snow on Christmas Day: It reminds me how hard my grandfather worked.

Betty Mosko

Sawyer Road

Thank you to all the singers who participated in the recent flash mob "Hallelujah Chorus" at Westfield Franklin Park mall ("Area choristers break out in 'spontaneous' Hallelujahs," Dec. 12.)

Your singing made this event magical.

When Masterworks Chorale started organizing this event, we weren't sure what to expect. But Toledo choristers banded together to provide a wonderful holiday moment for many people.

Let's do it again sometime.

Kathleen Kress

President of Masterworks Chorale

Ottawa Hills