War waged to protect freedom


In her Dec. 23 op-ed column, “Longer war in Afghanistan is personal affront,” Marilou Johanek questions the war in Afghanistan: “As my nephew deploys for his country, I want to know what he is risking his life for.”

It's amazing that Ms. Johanek and her fellow liberals still don't get it or understand the dangers we face. After 9/11, it should be clear why America is at war.

Our enemy was at war with us long before that. Militant Islamic terrorists launched attacks on us through the 1990s that we did little about. They will not be deterred. There is no negotiating with them. Their ultimate objective is our destruction.

This is not George W. Bush's war or President Obama's war. It is America's war. It is winner take all, and we had better dedicate our efforts to wipe out terrorist regimes and do it decisively.

This war to defend our freedom is fought on many fronts and Afghanistan is but one. Thank God for Ms. Johanek's nephew and thousands like him who understand what is at stake and are willing to take action to protect our freedom.

That's what he is risking his life for. If we ever lost our freedom, it would be impossible to regain.



Columnist must get out more

In his Dec. 24 op-ed column, “Census losses set stage for Michigan redistricting,” Jack Lessenberry describes North Dakota as “bleak” and Mississippi as “backwards.”

If I went to school in Detroit and worked in Toledo, I would not be negative about other regions.

It seems Professor Lessenberry needs to get off campus more often.



Stop talking about killed dogs

The Blade does a wonderful service by providing information, including cute pictures, about dogs ready for adoption. However, I cannot understand the purpose of publishing information about the euthanasia of dogs under the heading “Dogs killed by Lucas County Dog Warden Julie Lyle,” often with pictures, names, descriptions, and the crimes for which they were condemned.

We know that one of the dog warden's unpleasant duties is to euthanize some animals. Knowing that should be sufficient.

Keep showing the cute adoptable dogs. I'm sure it brings results. But spare us the details of those who didn't make the cut.

