Tressel is least of the offenders


Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel is the least of the offenders in the tattoo scandal ("Tressel is suspended 2 games and fined," March 9).

The FBI and the NCAA should shoulder some responsibility. Why didn't the FBI inform the NCAA and the Ohio State athletic director early on about the drug investigation? When he learned of the situation via e-mail and was asked to keep the information confidential, what was he to do? Any move he made at that point could have been interpreted as interfering with an ongoing federal investigation.

He did what he believed to be the right thing for all concerned. Meanwhile, the NCAA and FBI investigators lurk around with immunity.

Frank E. Miller


Union workers hurt themselves

I am an out-of-work but still proud union construction worker. When someone asked what I thought of what's happening to public-service union employees, I answered: They did it to themselves.

A March 6 Blade investigative story ("When it comes to cars, solidarity can prove elusive") indicated that more than half of them own foreign, nonunion made vehicles. Did they wonder what might happen if they continue buying such vehicles? Did they wonder what might happen if they continue buying foreign?

In his State of the Union address in January, President Obama stated, "We want to create and sell products all over the world that are stamped with three simple words: Made in America. That is our goal."

Frank Alberts III

Jackman Road

Wealthy as well must aid economy

How will our nation's economic well-being improve if local, state, and national governments do not pay attention to the needs of the middle and lower classes? (" 'You ain't seen nothing yet' on cuts, Kasich says," March 9).

When deficits occur, why are these classes expected to bear the brunt of reducing them? Why are the wealthy not targeted?

The wealthy are usually quite happy when Republicans are in control because they know their wealth will be protected.

In states such as Ohio, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana, and New Jersey, arrogant governors thumb their noses at the middle and lower classes by aiming to restrict collective bargaining rights.

A wealthy, industrialized country such as the United States should further policies that make possible fair and equitable living for everyone.

Wallace Pretzer

Bowling Green

Sturgeon trip misunderstood

It is the letter writer who criticized our trip to Black Lake who is ill-informed regarding sturgeon conservation efforts ("Spearing fish an appalling pastime," March 2).

Sturgeon for Tomorrow supports the annual harvest and works closely with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Michigan State University to ensure it is well organized.

It sponsors watch programs at the spawning grounds on the Upper Black River. It provides streamside monitoring 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to prevent poaching during spring spawn.

It has assisted the Michigan DNR and MSU with the building and maintaining of the new sturgeon hatchery on the Black River. A total 1,500 hatchlings were released into the watershed in August, 2009.

DNA and egg samples we successfully harvested provide invaluable information to biologists, scientists, and students of MSU. This information builds on and improves the data base that will help to ensure the sturgeon population of Black Lake rebounds fully and remains strong and vibrant.

The trip was more than an escape from winter doldrums.

Jim Leatherman
