On keeping Wood Co. free of zoo


Where would Toledo Zoo Director Anne Baker get the idea that Wood County residents would like to pay for operating expenses of the zoo ("Wood County rejects zoo levy," June 22)? Just because revenue from Lucas County is down because of the economy?

We didn't decide to build the zoo. We didn't decide to expand the zoo and incur those costs. We had no input into any of the decisions made by zoo representatives about financial projections and their ramifications.

We pay the full admission fee when we visit this fine facility.

What is next -- asking for a levy in Fulton County, Monroe County, Henry County, and even more counties? People there all use the zoo. If zoo officials could suck in funds from all the surrounding counties, they could spend to their hearts' content and probably never worry about a budget again.

Some families have left Lucas County because of high taxes and reckless spending practices. It is the job of Wood County residents to see that we don't let ourselves regress to the present condition of Lucas County.

Walt Breier



Walton's column a perfect landing

Northwest Ohio could make a comeback if the questions posed by Thomas Walton in his June 20 op-ed column, "Akron-Canton, Flint airports are flying high," are answered.

The public would be better served by a vibrant Toledo Express Airport. Think of the businesses that a well-serviced airport would attract here.

Convenience for local air travelers also would cut the use of gasoline, because they would not have to drive to other, farther-away airports.

Susan Hirsch

Sylvania Township


Trash, recyclables easy to separate

Gray for garbage, blue to reuse. How hard is that to remember when we use city-provided bins ("Trash, recycling wrongly mixed," Readers' Forum, June 15)?

Some people still are not using recycle bins fully or at all. Many times the bin is used for overflow garbage. This confuses the pickup crew, and ultimately trash and clean recyclables are mixed.

The bins should be used as intended. Recycling properly is not that hard.

I have also seen pickup crews throwing away recyclables with the trash.

Wanda Swope

Cadillac Street


Obama's actions did help Toledo

The June 18 Readers' Forum letter "Obama's visit no help to Toledo" was critical of President Obama's taking credit for saving Chrysler.

Toledo's Jeep plant and its parts suppliers possibly would have closed had it not been for the federal loans. Maybe this is what the letter writer wanted, but I'm sure the employees at those facilities think otherwise.

James Perine

Lima, Ohio


Let's hear it for the June bug

Please bring back the June bug. I've read so many stories about the mayfly, I'm getting sick ("'Mayfly' festival is back Saturday," June 20).

Richard Buchholz
