Toledo's moves dubious


Your Aug. 6 editorial "Dubious land deal" asked: "Why spend more than $1 million on 48 acres of land that the city does not seem to want or need?"

It's so Toledo officials can sell the land to foreign investors. Maybe the Toledo city- limits signs should add: "City of Toledo, For Sale, Bargain Basement Prices."

The city could sell One Government Center next.

V. Snyder
Montpelier, Ohio

Council should look into land issue

Toledo Mayor Mike Bell played a role in selling our prime waterfront real estate to Chinese investors. Now he wants to buy 48 acres for more than $1 million ("Toledo's budget for buying land is controversial," Aug. 4).

I suggest City Council get to the bottom of this before the 48 acres turn into Toledo's Chinatown.

Sandy Ackerman
Park Forest Drive

Homeowner offers Toledo a deal

Real estate companies do not believe my home is worth as much as the tax assessor believes it is. Toledo Mayor Mike Bell believes in paying more than twice the assessed value of real estate for speculative purposes.

So I offer my property -- and as much other property as I can acquire -- to the city for purchase.

Kip Petersen
Clover Lane

Jeep's good news to fuel Obama hate?

In June, President Obama visited Chrysler Group LLC's Toledo Assembly complex to herald the auto industry's rebound after a government bailout. Shortly afterward, a punk who lives in Toledo allegedly emailed a death threat to him ("Toledoan accused of threatening President," Aug. 9).

Where does this irrational hatred of our President come from?

Chrysler has announced an expansion at the Jeep plant that will add 1,100 jobs. We can only hope this good news for our community doesn't rile up the Obama-haters even more.

Julia Kustra
Gunckel Boulevard

Congressional stupidity costly

Our distinguished members of Congress administered a political enema, waiting until the last day to avoid an economic disaster. Their stupidity cost us an economic downgrade from which we may never recover.

The egomaniacs in Congress are on their month-long vacation while millions struggle with huge losses in their retirement and savings accounts in a depressed economy. Many are at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure, are unemployed, and can't meet their financial obligations.

When the next congressional election rolls around, don't vote for incumbents.

The blame game and finger-pointing continue. Whatever happened to responsibility and accountability? Where is someone like President Harry ("The buck stops here") Truman when you need him?

Fred Cohen

How should we punish politicians?

For many years, our military personnel put themselves in harm's way to obey orders and serve their country with selfless sacrifices. For the past two years, we have had politicians serve themselves with no regard for the country or its citizens.

Anyone in the military who refuses to obey an order can be court-martialed. How can we penalize ignorant politicians before they destroy this proud country?

Earl Phipps

Meeting students' needs a priority

The hierarchy of needs model developed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943 remains valid today for understanding human motivation and development. The most basic needs of humans are air, food, drink, shelter, sleep, and safety.

How do these needs affect the educational readiness of youth? Children who arrive at school without ample sleep, food, shelter, or a safe living environment must have these needs met before learning can take place.

Who is responsible for making certain that these basic needs are met? Is it from U.S. government grants? Are these needs met by administrators who call for accountability and create new names for raising test scores in the lowest-performing schools? Can replacing school staff with highly qualified teachers or parent coordinators ensure that children come to school ready to learn?

Until caregivers share actively in the process of meeting those needs, students in the lowest-performing schools have little chance of receiving the educational opportunities they deserve.

Kurt Van Meter
Liberty Center

Letter critical of teachers is low

Rarely do I read downright malice in your Readers' Forum, but the July 29 letter "Need for tutors points to problem," suggesting that teachers cannot read, is a new low in commentary.

Toledo Public Schools is in trouble not because teachers don't do their jobs, but because the community hasn't passed an operating levy in 10 years and because many parents don't feel any responsibility for their children's education.

Snotty comments won't solve the problem. The letter writer should try to teach 160 students who don't want to be in school and see what progress she would make, especially without any parental cooperation.

Mikki Breese

Manufacturing, jobs to quell crisis

The Aug. 8 Readers' Forum letter "Next, pass a law to balance budget" asks: "Why not pass a balanced-budget amendment?" The simplest answer is: That would be bad policy.

Maintaining the global economy is much more complex than managing a household budget, balancing a checkbook, or paying a credit-card bill. Governments need more tools than just a balanced budget.

The United States spent massively to convert manufacturing infrastructure to weapons production in World War II. This helped win the war and provided the stimulus for recovery from a decade of depression. A balanced- budget amendment foolishly limits the ability of our government to respond in times of need.

It's also bad politics because during times of growth, governments shouldn't just balance budgets. They should pay down debts.

President George W. Bush's tax cuts did not stimulate the economy or create jobs. They contributed to the current problem.

Debt obsession distracts us from our real problem: Too few people are working and much of our manufacturing infrastructure is idle. We should be investing in getting people back to work making things we need.

The sooner our government can focus on that, the better for all.

Jeff Beamsley

SoundTrek event was sweet music

We recently participated in the Downtown SoundTrek in Toledo ("A variety of sounds are scheduled downtown," July 21).

We visited numerous venues, heard a variety of talented musicians, and enjoyed seeing people of all ages having fun.

Congratulations to the Arts Commission of Greater Toledo and compliments to all the venues and their owners who opened their doors for the program. We look forward to similar events.

Terry and Linda Mambort
Penridge Road

Subscription ends over play of stories

For as long as I can remember, The Blade has been a mainstay in our home. That era has come to an end.

I am no longer willing to pay to read front-page stories about abandoned, mistreated, or destroyed dogs while finding information about Congress and the debt crisis on the next to last page of the front section.

Barbara Klee