Perry's rally was inclusive


I take offense at your Aug. 15 editorial "Perry's rally," which implied that what you call Texas Gov. Rick Perry's "pitch to Jesus" was noninclusive.

Since when does any prayer for our country not include all people, no matter what deity they put their faith in? Since when does the word "united" not include everyone who is blessed to be an American, whether they worship or not? Isn't that the foundation upon which our country was built?

Your implication that Governor Perry's rally was overtly political, but somehow still ignored faiths other than Christianity, shows your lack of understanding of Jesus' teachings.

I forgive you for your purely political views of people of faith. Is that inclusive enough?

Barbara Waite-Shenk
Springfield Township

Kudos to Perry, we need prayers

Your negative critique of Governor Perry's rally was off base. Your problem was with his implication that we are a Christian nation.

This nation was formed on Christian principles. That does not mean we do not recognize others who praise the same God. Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Native Americans worship the same God. Buddhists may be the exception.

Our weekly church bulletin says: "Welcome to all." This includes Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, and the rest.

When Mr. Perry or anyone else holds such rallies, it is for the betterment of our country, which is in dire need of prayer. Kudos to Mr. Perry.

Gerard Jacobs
Fairhaven Drive

BGSU program spurs innovation

America needs new ideas because it can't compete with old industries in markets that others have proved adept at penetrating. Creativity mostly happens through education and research.

A PhD program at Bowling Green State University in the photochemical sciences invited the best and the brightest here from what was the Soviet Union. When they graduated, advisers helped the new PhDs understand the U.S. Constitution, so that they, too, could become Americans.

Nearly 200 young scientists from former Soviet states have studied, or are studying, the photosciences at Bowling Green. These new citizens have started businesses and entered our leading industrial laboratories.

This recession challenges the young people of the United States and the older generation. Can we pull together and generate a national renewal?

Doug Neckers
Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus
Bowling Green State University

Postal Service unions blameless

An Aug. 12 article reported that the U.S. Postal Service is thinking of eliminating 120,000 jobs because of $8 billion in losses. The same day, the Readers' Forum letter "Unions at fault; media need to dig" blamed unions for the poor state of the economy.

One might think the Postal Service is in trouble because it is just another bloated, inefficient bureaucracy that is unable to adapt to changing times. But the problems with the Postal Service have been caused not by unions, but primarily by a 2006 congressional directive that requires it to pre-fund all retiree benefits for the next 75 years, and to do it within 10 years.

Try to find any other company or agency that has such a crushing retirement funding burden. Also, ask what will happen to all those retirement funds if the Postal Service goes under.

Bob Pacer
Delta, Ohio

Obama has lost nation's confidence

Americans lost whatever confidence they had in President Obama's leadership abilities over his handling of the recent debt-ceiling crisis.

The ill-fated, last-minute compromise was too little, too late. It did nothing to substantially reduce current spending, cap future spending, or set guidelines to balance the budget. Adding insult to injury, America's credit rating has been downgraded.

We arrived at this dilemma because the Obama Administration increased the national debt, neglected to balance the budget, and orchestrated the loss of billions of dollars in failed stimulus and bailout programs.

It's time for a fiscally conservative, intelligent president, with strong leadership abilities, who can reverse the damage and accelerate our economic recovery in 2012.

This president must start by repealing ObamaCare, reforming and cutting waste, fraud, and abuse in unfunded entitlement programs, removing restrictions on businesses to stimulate the economy, and cutting the destructive capital gains taxes to encourage investments and job creation.

Gary Stechschulte

Lawmakers must be responsible

In response to Readers' Forum letters about Congress, I agree that our politicians worked hard to get where they are ("Entitled? No, they worked hard," Aug. 15; "Lawmakers must entitle the public," Aug. 2).

But that does not give politicians a right to put themselves and their agendas ahead of the good of the country. The recent argument over the debt ceiling was a case of our politicians working for their party and themselves.

Lawmakers have great power, and they have a great responsibility to make the right decisions for the country and its people.

Jason Renard

Add lanes to I-475 to increase safety

In response to a fatal crash, Readers' Forum letters have suggested yield signs and increased law enforcement ("3 killed, 1 hurt in severe wrecks on I-475/U.S. 23 near Maumee," Aug. 5). Neither of these will matter.

Given its present volume of traffic, two-lane design, and concentration of entrance ramps in certain areas, this route is inherently dangerous.

Anyone who deals with the rush-hour crawl or the white-knuckle experience of entering the expressway during busy times would attest to this.

What has been needed for the past decade is at least one more lane in each direction.

With even more traffic and congestion, the chance of this type of tragic event occurring again will increase.

This expressway is the main artery of Toledo. It must be kept safe and efficient for this area to prosper.

James Hoeffel, Jr.

School uniforms causing hardship

The families I work with at a local mental-health agency are finding it increasingly difficult to meet their basic needs, yet they are preoccupied with finding or buying school uniforms.

Toledo Public Schools used to provide vouchers for low-income families to purchase outfits for the fall, but that program has ended.

I would rather they cut school uniform vouchers than teachers or services, but in response to cuts, the district did not modify its school uniform policy.

TPS, please find a more feasible school uniform policy or scrap it.

Brittany Ford
Gunckel Boulevard

'Plant to Plate' a healthy series

Compliments to Ohio State University Extension-Lucas County and to The Blade for the "From Plant to Plate" series.

This information is pertinent today, when people are concerned about educating themselves about the food they eat.

Marge Malinowski

Irish Heritage Night a success

Thanks to the Toledo Mud Hens and Blarney Irish Pub & Grill for the wonderful Irish Heritage Night Aug. 11 at Fifth Third Field.

The performers from the Ardan Academy of Irish Dance and Molly's Irish Dance, and the musical group Extra Stout, which played the Irish and American national anthems, were excellent.

Also, the Mud Hens won. Great night all around.

Maury Collins
Brame Place