Letters to the Editor

‘Energy’ editorial appreciated


The Blade stood by the environment in your Sept. 18 editorial “Energy, economy, ecology.” We in the environmental community are appreciative of your editorial voice.

I want to add something that I’ve noticed is missing from many reports of Ohio’s clean-energy economy. You note, as many have, that a wind farm is under construction in Van Wert, Hardin, and Paulding counties. The first phase of the wind farm near Payne, Ohio, about 90 miles southwest of Toledo, is complete.

The wind farm, called Timber Road, was built by Horizon Wind. The power is purchased by American Electric Power. As of July, it had 99 megawatts of power online, enough to power 27,000 homes.

It’s important to note that Ohio’s clean-energy economy is already here. People who drive out there will see a pretty neat sight.

Julian Boggs
State Policy Advocate
Environment Ohio

GOP fingerprints besmirch districts

Once again, Republicans in Ohio have put their dirty fingerprints on elections (“Democrats may call for referendum on new map; Ohio House approves changes by Republicans,” Sept. 16).

By changing congressional districts, Republicans have moved U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur’s district to a sliver of land extending to Cleveland. Republicans obviously are thinking that if they can’t beat her, they’ll eliminate her.

Toledo takes a hit because it’s split three ways, with downtown represented by a congressman about 100 miles away.

Is this redistricting fair? Is this the right thing to do to people who have known and trusted Miss Kaptur for almost 30 years? This is just more dirty tricks. What’s next, poll taxes and literacy tests?

Dave Harris
Valeway Drive

Kaptur’s influence to fade into sunset

When I saw how the new congressional districts are going to look, my jaw about dropped to the floor. One-party rule is about to be challenged in Lucas County, and it’s long overdue.

Marcy Kaptur has been the representative in Congress for all of Toledo and much of the surrounding area for almost as long as I have been alive.

Miss Kaptur always gets a free pass from local media and other uninformed people who fail to see that she’s voted with the left wing of her party a lot.

Miss Kaptur got past Rich Iott in the election last year, but her influence on Toledo is about to fade into the sunset.

Brian Scsavnicki

Absentee voter feels left out

Disfranchisement of those who choose to vote absentee is taking over at the Lucas County Board of Elections.

When I realized that I hadn’t seen the absentee ballot application in the paper for the primary election, I emailed the elections board and was told that an absentee ballot request form was not required to be part of its advertisement.

The elections board did email me the absentee ballot form for the general election.

I cannot be the only person who prefers to vote absentee. Even with all the changes in personnel at the elections board, this doesn’t seem to be the time to make it more difficult to vote.

Lynne Clower
146th Street