Seniors, make way for youth


Your Oct. 17 editorial "Yes on Issue 1," in support of allowing Ohio judges to serve until age 75, reminded me of when I was a young person looking for a job. Potential employers were looking for experience, so they wouldn't hire me, even though I was well qualified by education and training.

They lost the chance to benefit from my youthful enthusiasm and energy. They didn't know there might be a better way to do things. Just because you've been doing something one way for a long time, that doesn't make it the best way.

With technology changing rapidly, the need to innovate is more important than ever. Many older people have no desire to learn new and better ways to do things. Their experience is a handicap.

With unemployment high, older folks who work just to have something to do should direct their energy elsewhere and leave jobs open for unemployed people.

For older people who take exception to this, I am 72 years old and I know what I'm talking about. Vote no on Issue 1.

Joseph Pflager



Nation's leaders need to wake up

If the Wall Street protesters against greed had jobs, they might not have time to protest ("Protesters' camp-outs spread as more slated; 'Corporate greed' targeted across U.S.," Oct. 10).

President Obama is pushing a jobs program that is no more than a short-term government fix for a long-term problem.

I saw workers at a store in Maumee setting up retail space for Christmas items. I counted 15 pallets of items to be put on shelves. Almost every box on every pallet read "Made in China."

Our leaders have got to do something to increase the number of products made in the United States if they really want more jobs here.

Lawrence Holmer



Occupy Toledo gets off treadmill

Americans have been conditioned to consume. Today, we work longer to make the same amount of money we made in 1980 to buy the things that make us happy. Social psychologists call this a hedonic treadmill.

Occupy Toledo responds to these injustices by abandoning the treadmill ("Wall St. protesters fill downtown square," Oct. 11). We recognize that what's important are not things, but people standing in solidarity and in harmony with the planet, beyond parameters of left or right, radical or conservative.

We are diverse. We care for each other. There is room at the table for everyone.

Martin Otto Zimmann

Springfield Township


Protest would pale against wood turtle

Your coverage of the anti-Wall Street protest said the local event was attended by a huge crowd of 100. I could gather a bigger group for a rally to save the endangered wood turtle.

John O'Neil

Springfield Township