Volunteer's death spurs talk of medal


I read with great sadness about the death of a selfless volunteer who was killed in the act of being a good Samaritan (“Firefighter killed at crash site; Car hits veteran volunteer directing traffic at U.S. 20,” Oct. 29).

If we honor selfless and heroic leadership in wartime, why not the same for those who unexpectedly, unselfishly, and with great sacrifice offer it in peacetime?

I propose the creation of a Civilian Medal of Honor. This medal could be presented by the area’s member of Congress at a local venue in the year following the ultimate sacrifice of a heroic Samaritan, or at a national ceremony in Washington.

There are other hero awards for civilians. But too often, the service of good Samaritans is mentioned in passing and left to be remembered only by the immediate families involved.

Jonathan Binkley
Bucklew Drive

‘Occupy’ targets crony capitalism
The Occupy Wall Street protests, which have spread across the country and around the globe, are not anti-capitalism; they’re anti-crony capitalism (“Occupy Wall Street protesters shut down nation’s 5th-busiest port,” Nov. 3).

Crony capitalism gave us deregulation of the financial industry, which prompted Wall Street to operate like a gambling casino, leading to the recession.

We’re all capitalists. Capitalism needs regulation to thrive.

Julia Kustra
Gunckel Boulevard

Tea Party, ‘Occupy’ same, yet different
Many have tried to compare the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Tea Party (“‘Occupy’ may be too radical,” Readers’ Forum, Oct. 24).

The only commonality is that the participants in both groups are dissatisfied with the status quo. The Occupy Wall Street people blame large financial institutions and multinational corporations for our problems and say government regulators failed to curb their excesses.

The Tea Party believes there is too much government regulation and that the government should be rendered powerless, to allow business to solve our problems.

The Occupy Wall Street movement can more accurately be compared to the Arab Spring movement. Both movements are fueled by a sense that their societal structure is unjust.

Both movements are spearheaded, though not led, by young, educated, tech-savvy youths without job opportunities. Both movements complain of government that is responsive only to the needs of the ruling elite, while ignoring the needs of the common citizenry.

Except in Libya, both movements espouse nonviolence even in the face of violent resistance. Both movements are spontaneously spread from country to country where similar conditions exist.

Both movements have the potential for changing the political landscape in the host country and perhaps the world.

Richard Schultz
Monclova Township

Movement should fight famine, war
President Obama intends to raise taxes on the rich. Naturally, Republicans ask: Who is rich?

God’s goodness to me is humbling. I am wealthy and blessed far beyond what I deserve. The key to contentment is lower expectations.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is full of self-serving, jealous troublemakers. Do these naïve protesters really think they can make Wall Street tycoons care about their plight by shouting “shame” at them?

All this energy is misdirected. It helps no one to occupy Wall Street and its European counterparts.

Commandeer instead the United Nations and foreign governments. Direct your outrage at famine, disease, and war.

Don Gozdowski
Franklin Avenue

Protesters seek U.S. revival
The goals of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are to bring back the land of opportunity that the United States once was, to break up the financial elite who have established themselves as a modern monarchy with a stranglehold on the commerce of this nation, and to end government bought and paid for by corporations, by focusing against increasing social and economic injustice in this country.

Ted Georgoff

Bell’s loan request a slap in the face
Toledo Mayor Mike Bell’s proposal to spruce up a downtown park is a slap in the face not only of City of Toledo employees, but also of the city’s residents (“Bell to ask council OK of $2.2M loan for park,” Oct. 25).

The infrastructure issues Toledo has, from crumbling roads to clogged sewers, cost taxpayers money out of their own pockets for auto and home repair. Water mains are on the threshold of bursting, Toledo needs to upgrade its foundation, not put down more dirt and flowers.

Beau Ruetz
Lima Avenue

Bell should wear helmet for safety
I notice Mayor Bell chooses not to wear a helmet when he is riding his motorcycle (“Bikers miss turn — but not their chance to help children,” Oct. 24).

Ohio does not require motorcyclists to wear helmets, but what type of message does this send to young people? Helmets, like seat belts, save lives.

John Houghtaling

‘Outdoors’ book good for schools
It is my good luck to have a copy of The Blade’s fantastic book Best of the Outdoors Page: Celebrating 15 Years of Nature in Northwest Ohio and Beyond, by Blade outdoors writer Steve Pollick and illustrator/designer Jeff Basting. Words can’t describe the contents of this pictorial masterpiece.

This book should be placed in all schools in Ohio.

Jim McGrady

On their special day, remember veterans
As Veterans Day approaches, it is important to honor brave soldiers for the dedication, time, and energy they put into their service.

Many veterans returning from war zones experience trauma from war that civilians have a difficult time understanding.

The issue of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder has been recognized as a condition suffered by soldiers as early as the days of the Roman Empire. In the 19th century, physicians began to study, diagnose, and treat PTSD. It was called a number of different names: shell shock, combat neurosis, combat exhaustion, and battle fatigue.

PTSD has symptoms and outcomes that are emotionally devastating. They can include flashbacks, intrusive memories, panic attacks, depression, suicidal thinking and actions, substance abuse, hyper-vigilance, sleep disturbances, isolation, detachment, and guilt.

These problems often lead to other issues. Returning soldiers can have difficulty expressing their emotions, with the exception of rage and anger. One soldier whom I treated stated that he felt like a robot. This causes problems in marriages, families, and relationships.

Often, when veterans face symptoms of PTSD, they try to avoid thinking about or understanding the issues. This can make the symptoms worse.

If you or someone you know may be suffering from PTSD, it is important to contact a professional who can help, before the symptoms get worse.

John Small
Starr Avenue
Editor’s Note: The writer is a social worker at Whittington Clark Associates LLC, a Toledo counseling company.