Letters to the Editor

Shame on Lake voters for levy defeat


Shame on the voters in the Lake Local Schools district ("Area voters divided on levies for schools; Maumee, Washington Local, Ottawa Hills OK'd; 4 others fall," Nov. 9).

Shame on them for pretending to be a community when the tornado hit last year, rallying for Lake schools, only to turn their backs when district officials asked for passage of a levy.

What a powerful message they are sending to their sons and daughters and community. When will they place importance on education? The slippery slope the community is taking is evident.

The teachers at Lake must keep fighting. They must let it be known that there are people who care about education.

As a Lake graduate, I stand by my high school. The Lake school system is great, and I hope that soon the community will realize this.

Kate Koester

Springfield Township

Voters should've OK'd ObamaCare

To all who voted no on Issue 2, as I did, the least they could have done is also to have voted against Issue 3 ("Ohio voters cast ballots of discontent; Results signal rebuke of Kasich, Obama plans," Nov. 10).

Some voters may have great health care, but what about others who pay hundreds of dollars a month for health insurance? There also are people who work and can't afford to pay for insurance.

Many Ohioans could have helped others by voting against Issue 3 and thus voting for ObamaCare.

Kay Gonyer

Branch Dr.

It is Sen. Brown who is confused

The comments of U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio), who said the electorate was confused about Issue 3, were atrocious.

Let's see how confused the electorate is when he seeks re-election next year. We know the issues. He is the one who is confused.

Sheila Seward

120th St.

Health-care plan needed nationally

It saddens me that Ohioans are unable to realize the necessity of a national health-care plan.

Who do they think pays for the uninsured? All of us do, when hospitals, clinics, doctors, and surgeons increase their fees. That is to compensate for all the write-offs that occur when they treat a person with no insurance and no other means of payment.

The only way to stop escalating medical fees is to have a national health-care program.

Pamela Meeks


City-planted tree at root of problem

I have called the City of Toledo Division of Parks and Forestry over the years about a sweet gum tree, which the city planted, after the roots started heaving a sidewalk slab.

Now two more slabs are heaving because the roots are getting larger. The last time I called, I was informed there is no money to take care of the problem.

The biggest mistake the city made was planting the tree in the first place. The leaves are beautiful in the fall, but it is a dirty tree.

Kathryn Matheny

Colima Dr.