Column in need of a little help


Blade Editor David Kushma's Dec. 11 op-ed column, "A little help, Congress, for the rest of us," was written in pure ignorance.

He cries that Republicans want to cut Environmental Protection Agency regulations and standards, limit jobless benefits, permit the building of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, and freeze federal employees' pay just to protect the top 1 percent of the nation's earners.

There is an argument that the EPA needs to be overhauled. Companies write reports that don't do a thing to clean the water, the air, or prevent a spill. The EPA should be a partner with industry. However, like most government agencies, the EPA is a punisher, not a helper.

Unemployment has become a welfare program versus a safety net. It needs to be overhauled because of abuse and fraud.

Permitting the XL oil pipeline will create jobs now, it will keep the United States from sending dollars to countries that are our enemy, and it will ensure a consistent energy source for us.

Our nation is more than $14 trillion in debt. You can't tax your way out of this much debt, but Mr. Kushma proposes adding more spending. Once you start taxing the top 1 percent, then we are next, because liberal politicians only want the power that tax dollars buy.

John Streicher

Springfield Township


Postal closings not the answer

I do not understand how closing more than half of the distribution centers of the U.S. Postal Service will solve its financial crisis ("Delivering the mail," editorial, Dec. 8). That would seem to create a negative snowball effect that would further jeopardize business.

People need to lobby Congress to stop the mandate requiring the Postal Service to fund retirements 75 years into the future for the next 10 years, this year costing $5.5 billion.

By promoting more package service, the Postal Service can increase revenue. Why not a "Ship USPS" program that the American public can get behind?

Steve Cherry


Editor's note: The writer is a retired letter carrier.


Doctors, nurses should form plan

The medical community should formulate the national health-care plan ("ObamaCare debate must focus on benefits as well as costs," op-ed column, Nov. 20).

As much as I support President Obama, I do not want him doing my heart surgery.

Many people have the wrong perception about doctors. For the most part, they do not live in luxury.

Why don't we ask doctors and nurses what kind of health-care plan they think would work?

Judy Willcox

Perrysburg Township


Seeing red over pink-eye treatment

Last month, one of my family members needed to see a doctor to be treated for pink eye. Since missing work for several days until it cleared up was not an option, we drove to an Urgent Care facility for an antibiotic eye drop prescription.

The cost for this three-minute visit was $235. I called to make sure this wasn't a mistake and was assured it was correct: $135 for the office visit and $100 for the Urgent Care service.

This is why I am in favor of health-care reform.

Bev Ethington

Ivy Place


Obama has done a good job

A member of my church asked why I voted for Barack Obama in 2008. I am not so much about politics as I am about people. So my answer was easy.

I wanted to elect a president who was committed to the health needs of America's most vulnerable citizens, and I wanted to see the war in Iraq end responsibly. President Obama has accomplished both tasks.

Health care was addressed early on, and the final contingents of American soldiers are returning home to their families and friends. I pay tribute to these brave women and men, including those who made the ultimate sacrifice and to those who bear battle wounds seen and unseen, and to my own son, who served in Iraq.

I applaud the President for taking the lead to ensure that veterans can find jobs when they come home. Job well done.

Nancy Seay

Northwood Avenue


The wealthy are buying politicians

Large corporations, Wall Street, and rich people are investing in America: They are buying our politicians.

They get a great return on their investment. They pretty much run our government. They get more tax cuts, more loopholes, and less regulation.

Then we have our military members fighting two wars. The first war is for our freedom. The second war, similar to civilian families, is the war on hunger -- fighting to put food on their tables.

According to the Defense Commissary Agency, military families have used $88 million in food stamps at commissaries so far this year.

Our government is pathetic. It doesn't care about the social turmoil, or the 99 percent of the population that is not part of the wealthy.

William Herter

Delta, Ohio


We should respect Navarre decision

I have read the pros and cons in regard to former Toledo Police Chief Mike Navarre and the city officials who hired him in Oregon ("Hiring of former Toledo police chief sparks debate," Nov. 23). There is no answer, except to trust the personal morality of the people who made that decision.

They must make the choice financially, emotionally, psychologically, and morally. It is a personal decision, and we must respect that.

Barbara Rochelle

Sylvania Township


He floats a plan to lease Lake Erie

If Ohio is serious about generating funds to rebuild its infrastructure, roads, bridges, and schools, and create jobs, it is going to require a large capital investment ("Firm to study using turnpike for cash," Nov. 23).

We can generate that capital by selling or leasing Lake Erie.

The attraction for the private sector to acquire a long-term lease is obvious. A private owner or leasee could sell leases for the exploration of oil and natural gas beneath Ohio's portion of Lake Erie.

Support operations for the exploration would bring jobs to Ohio. Once operational, the wells would continue to need an operating work force.

The private owners or leasees could charge communities and private entities that extract water from the lake. Charges could also levied on commercial and sport fishing.

Some people oppose the sale or lease of state assets long held and improved by generations. What a quaint notion.

William Connelly, Sr.

Chevy Chase Lane


Giving to charity is spirit of holiday

The season of avarice is upon us again. Want and need is also upon us. Not since the Great Depression has the need been this great.

This year, I hope people will consider spending less money on presents, and more on helping the less fortunate.

I suggest that people take 10 percent of what they would spend on presents and give it to local charities instead.

Remember the true meaning of Christmas. Shopping is not the reason for the season.

James Markin



A parent thanks a departed teacher

The Blade's Dec. 4 obituaries reported the death of Jessie Sporek, who taught for many years in the elementary grades of Sylvania schools.

Many students owe her a debt of gratitude, including two of my children, whom she introduced to Shakespeare.

On behalf of her students and their parents, I say: Well done. Thank you, Mrs. Sporek.

Alice Weber

North Chanticleer Drive