Letters to the Editor

Nuclear power not the answer


Nuclear power is guaranteed to have accidents, and some of those accidents will end up with terrible results ("Davis-Besse's cracks," editorial, March 1).

Safety procedures in nuclear plants will only work if we have perfect people to follow those procedures. Few perfect people work in any plant, nuclear or otherwise.

Waste from the nuclear plants has no good place to be stored. We know how to generate energy with wind and solar power. If a problem arises with either of these energy sources, the result will not wipe out a community.

We should build more solar plants and wind turbines and learn how to extract energy from tides. We do not need any more Davis-Besse fiascos.

Robert Maltby, Jr.

Wayne, Ohio

Head Start tussle: Stay clear of race

When all else fails, some individuals and organizations such as the Economic Opportunity Planning Association of Greater Toledo play the race card ("TPS, agency square off in bid to run Head Start; EOPA accuses board of sheer money grab," March 1).

Enough is enough. If EOPA was doing the right things for the right reasons at the right time, it more than likely would not be in the situation it is in.

Any agency should do its job and it will not have to play the race card.

Paul Smith


Weight Watchers works for her

I take exception to the headline of your Feb. 26 article "Weight Watchers: Many dieters struggle with new 'Points Plus.' " The article quoted only one person who asserted that the new program didn't work for her because she could not lose the last five pounds of her goal. That doesn't equate to "many dieters."

I am a Weight Watchers member, newly re-energized to commit to the program five weeks ago. I've lost weight every week since then.

It's a great program, both for a member I know who doesn't like flexibility and for me; I don't like rigidity. I recommend it.

Nancy Hughes

West Lincolnshire Boulevard

Romney bought Michigan primary

In the Michigan GOP presidential primary, Mitt Romney spent $4.2 million and Rick Santorum spent $2.9 million, yet Mr. Romney beat Mr. Santorum by only 32,000 votes ("Did Romney really win Michigan?" op-ed column, March 2).

Mr. Romney outspent Mr. Santorum and won by that few amount of votes, and he calls that a win? Americans realize our political system is for sale when a candidate such as Mitt Romney can buy an election.

Paul Wohlfarth

Ottawa Lake, Mich.