Letters to the Editor: 4-16


Florida needs more police, not ‘captains’

The state of Florida must consider the possibility that its Stand Your Ground law did come into play in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin (“Searching for justice,” editorial, April 13).

Did Trayvon Martin act in self-defense against an armed stalker who was prowling the streets with a loaded gun and the delusional rank of captain? Did Trayvon Martin “stand his ground,” in accordance with Florida law?

Neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman’s refusal to heed the instruction of the 911 operator caused the death of Trayvon Martin.

The citizens of Florida might be better served with more trained police officers, not someone who may consider himself the reincarnation of movie tough-guy Charles Bronson.

Daniel Roberts

Starr Avenue

‘Free’ cell phones a wrong number

At my neighborhood carryout, I saw something that confused me: a computer terminal for people to sign up for a free government-supported cell phone.

What part of it is free? The government taxes those of us who support ourselves, and then redistributes the wealth.

Isn’t a cell phone a luxury? Now I have to work to provide cell phone service, on top of subsidized housing, to those who don’t feel the need to support themselves.

I need to quit working and get into the entitlement society before entitlements go away.

Thank you, liberals, for all of the free stuff. My back hurts more every day from carrying everyone.

Robert Zuber

Roywood Road

City must prioritize vacant-house policy

I received a letter from the city of Toledo saying I was in violation of the housing code (“Many of Toledo’s vacant houses are missing from public registry; Residents criticize city’s tracking of abandoned properties,” April 9).

I had 30 days to have my two-story home scraped and painted or I would be subject to a fine. My house needs to be painted. I have contacted Habitat for Humanity for assistance. I’m unemployed and living on Social Security.

While city officials are not tracking abandoned properties, they send people around the city to let residents know they need to make home improvements.

Tearing down these drug- and critter-infested abandoned houses would benefit the city more.

Forresta Siebenaler

Parrakeet Avenue

Editor’s Note: A city of Toledo building inspection official said: “The 30-day notice is a standard form letter we use. An extension of time is granted if requested by the property owner.”