Billing for crashes aids surplus?


It was encouraging to read that the City of Toledo is enjoying a surplus ("City ended 2011 with surplus of $326,000; Mayor lauds progress, wants bigger cushion," May 2).

However, the budget may be improving because of a decision, instituted by then-Fire Chief Mike Bell, to send invoices of as much as $2,000 to persons involved in auto accidents to which city fire crews responded.

Louanne Edmondson
West Central Avenue
Editor's note: A city spokesman said this policy was introduced by former Mayor Carty Finkbeiner's administration and approved by City Council. It is under review by the Bell administration.

Sale of B.G. site undercuts unions

In your May 1 article "B.G. to give $480,000 to buy back site it sold for $1," everyone seems to be pleased. But the sale -- which involves removing asbestos from and razing the former Bowling Green Junior High School -- is an underhanded attempt to prevent paying a prevailing wage.

Prevailing wage laws encourage the use of local, in-state workers who directly benefit the local economy and tax base where they live. They protect customers by keeping overrun costs low and quality high by using a work force that is paid properly to do the job right the first time, resulting in fewer accidents.

This agreement shows callous disregard for what unions have accomplished in their fight for better wages, benefits, and health care for everyone.

I hope the residents of Bowling Green and surrounding areas will keep this in mind the next time they go to the polls.

Robert Dible
Risingsun, Ohio

TARTA service draws complaints

Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority customer service is getting worse.

A bus driver looks right at you in the parking lot, says you're too late, and drives off. Some drivers arrive too early at a bus stop, which isn't acceptable because most of us don't get off work until 5 p.m.

A driver who was late told a passenger to sit down, shut up, and not complain. I, and the people I ride with, have never raised our voices or been rude.

It's a real challenge riding TARTA every day, because we never know what kind of driver we will get. We have had some really good drivers, but they've been few and far between.

Teri Clement
Springfield Township

Don't condemn conception method

To condemn a woman for conceiving a child unnaturally is stupid, when you consider that Jesus was conceived unnaturally via the virgin birth ("Teacher files suit over dismissal by archdiocese; Woman's artificial insemination cited as violation of church rules," May 1).

Peter Strobl
Perrysburg Township