Letters to the Editor

TPS levy request troubling


Since I became a homeowner many years ago, I have found the tax burden placed on me to support a failing school system offensive ("TPS seeks permanent new tax; city, school leaders start drive for 6.9-mill levy," May 15).

I paid for my child to attend private schools, while the taxes on my house continued to pay for failing schools.

I wonder how many TPS employees live outside the city so that their children can attend suburban schools. I would be more inclined to support a levy if Toledo Public Schools employees entrusted their children's education to their own care.

Then maybe I would trust them with my vote and my money.

Anne Boyle

Juniper Drive

New TPS tax would hurt seniors

If voters approve the TPS levy request, those who live in a home valued at $60,000 will pay $127 a year extra in taxes.

My wife and I are senior citizens. That $127 means one week's worth of groceries for us, or not quite being able to fill up our two cars with gasoline in a week.

Shame on TPS. It once again needs more money. Who's going to give us one week's worth of groceries or two fill-ups of gas?

Our answer to the levy: Absolutely not.

Jamie Newton

Morrison Drive

Memorial Day parades special

It is proper on Memorial Day that we remember those who gave all for freedom. But I remember most a young girl who honored a veteran in her own way.

Her grandfather, a World War II veteran of the U.S. Army Air Corps, passed away shortly before Memorial Day 2001. His funeral was scheduled for the same day as the Memorial Day parade in Toledo.

The girl's Libbey High School band, of which she was a member, was to perform in the parade. She was excused.

But she said she would not let her schoolmates down. She attended the funeral and arrived in time to march in her grandfather's honor.

For the next three years, her band participated in the Memorial Day parade. She played for all veterans who were no longer with us, but especially for her grandfather.

The girl is my daughter; the grandfather, my father.

George Babcock

Scottwood Avenue

Father Bacik will be missed

The Rev. Jim Bacik has been an extraordinary pastor of the Corpus Christi University parish and one of the outstanding Catholic theologians of our time ("Rev. Bacik reveals plans to teach in retirement; Corpus Christi pastor to lecture in Chicago," May 14).

Those of us who have been parishioners at Corpus Christi during Father Bacik's years of service will miss him greatly.

R. Gregory Stein
