Suspects deserve fair trial


I commend University of Toledo law professor Benjamin G. Davis for his June 17 op-ed column, "Flawed justice for terror suspects." Our Constitution, courts, legal system, and laws, in spite of any flaws, are the best guarantee of justice for all people in the world, whatever crime they may have committed.

So why would President Obama and Congress be afraid to try terrorists in our courts of law? Clearly our Supreme Court has no qualms about it, and if any branch of government has reason to question our courts' ability to do so, who would be more qualified to say so?

We have rightly condemned torture and dehumanizing treatment of prisoners, only to learn that our government has done the same things to force confessions and get convictions of suspected terrorists. Then our government denies them their constitutional right to trial by jury. Only after the Supreme Court demanded it, our government cobbled together an untested military commission system to try them.

These suspects should get the best trial by jury our country can afford. Otherwise, a cloud of suspicion will hang over the trial and over the United States and our commitment to justice.

Horace Huse

Cresthaven Lane

Kudos to another retiring pastor

Many nice things have been said about the Rev. James Bacik, the recently retired pastor of Corpus Christi University Parish, and rightly so ("Vatican II lives in Bacik's pastoral ministry," op-ed, June 24).

My pastor, the Rev. James Auth at Regina Coeli Parish, is also retiring.

As a person who has worked closely with him for the 18 years of his tenure, I thank him for his leadership and help in forming both me and our parish.

Jim Dudley

Regina Parkway

 Light up Skyway as flag every day

During certain holidays, our newest bridge is lit in the colors of the American flag, reminding us of the sacrifices our veterans have made. After all, the bridge's name is the Glass City Veterans Memorial Skyway.

Sacrifices are made every day by the men and women of our Armed Forces. Why do we see these colors only on holidays?

We should be reminded every day just how precious our freedoms are. Why can't we all see the colors of our flag light up that bridge every day? This would be a small but appropriate way to show our patriotism.

Barbara McCloskey

Valentine Street

Bible should guide us, not government

Our government wants to take away our freedom and tell us what we should do. God has provided us with a guidebook for how we are to live: the Bible.

Perhaps all Americans should read part of it every day the rest of our earthly lives.

Mike Dodson

Brownstone Boulevard