Health-care reform sought by bishops


In her June 16 op-ed column "The Pope's message, part two: Debate rages on burgeoning crusade," Marilou Johanek perpetuates the misunderstanding that many people accept as fact: that the Roman Catholic Church is among the "partisans who attack President Obama" and his health-care reform.

Ms. Johanek's reference to U.S. bishops who "can preach defeat of the incumbent without ever mentioning his name" is like many other messages: misdirected.

As early as 1993, the bishops called for fundamental reform of our health-care system in the areas of respect for life, priority concern for the poor, universal access, comprehensive benefits, a pluralism that respects voluntary, religious, and nonprofit sectors, the need for high-quality care, cost containment and controls, and equitable financing.

Of priority to bishops was that abortion not be included in health-care reform, and that high-quality, affordable, health care be accessible.

Sally Oberski
Director of Communications Diocese of Toledo Spielbusch Avenue

Szor's reduced role a discordant note

Sam Szor does not deserve to lose the position he has held for the past six decades as conductor of Music Under the Stars ("Szor, symphony act in concert to achieve harmony," op-ed, July 2).

From directing a Woodward High School extravaganza to conducting Handel's Messiah, Mr. Szor has touched thousands of lives and has made them better by sharing with them his love of music.

He needs to know that this community owes him a huge debt of gratitude and that he will always be Toledo's Mr. Music.

Joanne Hartough
Linden Lane

Helping Hands past, present lauded

Your June 23 article "Comfort held in Helping Hands; E. Toledo kitchen has dished 1.5M meals since 1982" was warm and appropriate.

Thirty years ago, the Rev. Robert Armstrong opened a neighborhood soup kitchen at his St. Louis Parish in East Toledo. Warm food and clothing were made available to those in need. The remarkable Father Armstrong embraced those who came through the doors.

Today, Helping Hands of St. Louis remains as open and inviting as it was under Father Armstrong. Its staff and support team love those who come for daily nourishment and support.

May God continue to bless the wonderful men and women at Helping Hands of St. Louis.

Carty Finkbeiner
Townley Road
Editor's note: The letter writer is a former mayor of Toledo.

There must've been another genocide

Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher stated that gun control in Nazi Germany was responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews, then claimed he wasn't referring to the Holocaust ("Wurzelbacher: Story unfairly spun," June 21).

He must be talking about the other time the Nazis killed 6 million Jews.

Barbara Padgett
Heatherdowns Boulevard