Health care a privilege, not a right


Dr. Amjad Hussain is correct when he says in his July 9 op-ed column, "Obamacare aftermath: Romney's U-turn, flaws in the law," that "somehow, we consider health care a privilege rather than a human right."

A right is something that can be exercised or enjoyed without obligating others. We have the right to freedom of speech, but no one has to listen; the right to freedom of the press, but no one is required to read what is written.

Health care is administered by others; we can't be our own doctors. But we don't have the right to require anyone to serve us. Health care is a need, but it is not a right. This may sound harsh, but it is reality.

I don't believe the federal government will control or reduce health-care costs. History is replete with examples of government programs for which estimated cost upon enactment was modest, but in practice the cost proved to be far greater.

If people believe that Obamacare will reduce costs, they will be sadly mistaken.

Walter Ralph

Sweetwater Court


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Hussain's writing enjoyable, clear

I enjoy Dr. Hussain's writings, especially his July 8 Toledo Magazine feature, "A walk on the beach; the beautiful mosaic of life."

Also, his op-ed columns make sense to me. I hope Dr. Hussain keeps up the good work.

Katharine Hess

Luckey, Ohio


Buy food instead of bottled water

Why can't the homeless and poverty-stricken population at Cherry Street Mission drink tap water rather than bottled water ("Homeless shelter seeks donations of ice, water," June 22)? The money spent on bottled water might be better spent on food for these people.

J.R. Miller

Tiffin, Ohio


Entitlements' end won't solve woes

After I read your "Renewal to Blight" series (June 24-26), I was reminded of President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society initiative of the 1960s. People were helped, but the problem was not solved.

Also in your June 26 edition was the article "Area firms get Ohio tax credits." I ask The Blade to follow up to see whether these companies create the number of jobs stated in the article.

Ken Booher



'Music,' Szor, Ward welcomed back

Thanks to the sponsors who brought back Music Under the Stars ("Music Under the Stars returns to the zoo on Sunday," July 5).

What a glorious evening it was on July 8 listening to guest conductor Bruce Moss. The guest soloists were tremendous.

But the best part was seeing Sam Szor, Toledo's Mr. Music, on the podium, baton in hand, leading the orchestra. Gordon Ward was wonderful, as usual, as the master of ceremonies.

Mary Ann Binkowski

Birckhead Place