Letters to the Editor

Lawmakers should check clothes labels


Members of Congress reacted with pomposity and outrage to the news that our U.S. Olympic athletes in London will wear clothes made in China ("Uniformly silly," guest editorial, July 18). Before those lawmakers spoke, they should have looked at the origin of the clothes they wear.

As for my clothes: shirt made in Thailand, trousers made in Mexico, shoes in China, belt in Italy, underwear in the Dominican Republic.

Why? Inexpensive. Who's to blame? All of us. We buy cheap.

Charles Quick


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Origin of items makes a difference

Your guest editorial said the Olympics are no place for petty nationalism and that, in effect, it doesn't make any difference where clothing is made.

When I visited Washington, D.C., last year, I bought miniatures of the Capitol, White House, and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as educational souvenirs for my great-grandchildren. Those souvenirs were stamped "Made in China."

This issue does make a difference. When I shop now, I look for "Made in USA" labels. They are becoming harder and harder to find.

Nancy Stonerock


UT professor's passing mourned

Dr. Martha Carroll, a teacher, adviser, and activist, was the consummate professional ("UT professor dedicated to needs of others," July 13). She was well known for her generosity with time and resources. She died on July 10 at age 72.

She was an advocate of the University of Toledo, friends, children, students, special education, family, North Carolina, and her dog -- not necessarily in that order.

Bon voyage, Martha.

John Ahern

Perrysburg Township

Rallying cry sounded for market

With grief I write about a favorite neighborhood store that faces an uncertain future ("Churchill's West Toledo store site is up for sale," July 13). Churchill's Super Market at Central Avenue and Cheltenham Road, in the heart of Old Orchard, has served the area well since 1947.

The building that houses the store is up for sale. It's not clear what will happen to the market once the building has a new owner. I'd like to ask the building's current owner about the reason for the sale, so that we neighbors can help find a creative solution and keep the store open.

I ask all neighbors, loyal customers, and members of city government to show support to help resolve this problem.

Theresa Harrington

Pemberton Drive

Global warming in winter's fine

Over the past year, one thing has become apparent: Global warming is much nicer to experience in winter than in summer.

Hal Simon
