Politics are toxic thanks to Obama


You say in your Aug. 16 editorial "Toxic politics" that "the right-wing fringe of the GOP bears primary responsibility" for Congress' inability to get things done. How long can you blame President George W. Bush for nearly every feeble result of President Obama's policies?

When does Mr. Obama take responsibility for the past 44 months, particularly his first two years in which he had a Democratic Congress and still couldn't get things done?

Since he took office, our nation is more divided, is less respected globally, and has deeper rifts on fundamentals. Yet the media, including you, are oddly silent.

Lisa Cousino


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male version of Bachmann

In response to Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his vice-presidential nominee: My guess is that some percentage of Republicans harbors enough ingrained sexism that they think John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin hurt his campaign more because of her gender than her off-the-wall views ("GOP running mates voice pledge to lead; Romney introduces Ryan, kicks off bus tour," Aug. 12).

Fast-forward to 2012: Mr. Romney has one-upped Senator McCain by finding a pseudo-Michele Bachmann in a suit and tie.

Karl Walters


Romney's choice underscores threat

Mr. Romney's pick of Mr. Ryan shows how serious he is about ending Medicare as we know it and privatizing Social Security -- scary prospects for Ohioans who rely on these programs for health and retirement security.

Mr. Ryan is the architect of the radical House Republican budget. The Romney-Ryan plan would jeopardize the future well-being of our country's senior citizens, including the 1.9 million Ohioans who depend on Medicare.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, Mr. Ryan's health-care plan could increase costs for seniors by $6,350 a year. For those of us who are living on fixed incomes and trying to manage other costs associated with age, a yearly increase of more than $6,000 is impossible.

Today's seniors should be concerned, but we're really worried about our children and grandchildren, who would suffer should Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan implement their disastrous plans.

Margaret Toadvin

Ira Road

'News' conference merely political

When the Lucas County treasurer calls a news conference, I expect some statement about county finances. But your Aug. 8 article "Treasurer stumps for Obama at Scott" portrayed this event as a political speech supporting the President.

This event would be newsworthy if you reported whether Treasurer Wade Kapszukiewicz was on a holiday. And if he wasn't, how does he justify making a blatant political speech when his political views do not agree with 100 percent of county taxpayers who cover his salary and perks?

John Schalles

Ottawa Hills