Ohio needs hard work, not handouts


Blade Editor David Kushma should stop bellyaching ("Labor Day in Ohio: Lots to cheer, more to fear," op-ed, Sept. 2). Toledo's manufacturing jobs went to southern Ohio and to the right-to-work states of Indiana, South Carolina, and Alabama.

The future is in health sciences, solar energy, agriculture, technology, and fields that are not even known today. We must educate ourselves in our very good colleges and universities, to acquire the skills that will give us a place in a global economy.

Federal and state grants and handouts are not the answer. Only a focused and forward-looking local government and society, self-sacrifice, and individual hard work will bring northwest Ohio back to life.

Donald Solomon

Ottawa Hills


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'Free' breakfasts at TPS not free

Your Aug. 23 article "All TPS students able to get free breakfasts" said that Toledo Public School students, regardless of their ability to pay, were eligible for free breakfasts. Free? Baloney.

TPS gets tax dollars to support such programs. It does not matter whether the money comes from local, state, or federal taxes; it still comes from the taxpayer.

I am not against students who can't afford breakfast or lunch getting the cost of their meals subsidized with tax dollars. But don't call it free.

Bill Halsey

Heatherwood Drive


Free breakfasts OK; stay for lunch?

Now that there are free breakfasts, maybe more kids will go to school. Schools should take attendance again at lunch to see how many kids stay.

Rick Sobecki

288th Street


Nothing wrong with Mandel's drawl

I was bemused at the gleeful reaction to Republican U.S. Senate candidate Josh Mandel's southern twang ("Southern twang creeps into Mandel's speech; Democrats pan use of accent with miners," Aug. 17). For many of us who have an aptitude for music and language acquisition, it is natural to adapt to the nuances of local speech patterns.

In no way are we trying to mislead listeners or to be seen as less trustworthy. I agree with Mr. Mandel's campaign people that it is a ridiculous pounce on a very minor idiosyncrasy -- or, should I say, ability.

Barbara Love

West Unity, Ohio


No matter the age, bring your ID

Everyone who purchases tobacco or alcohol should know that just because you are old enough, that does not mean you will not get carded ("Rule-abiding cashier brings joy," Readers' Forum, Aug. 6). You should always carry identification.

Those who do not have ID and make a big deal about getting carded should realize that if there is a sting operation and a person does not get carded, we who must do the carding can lose our jobs.

Daniel Osborn

O'Connell Street