Teachers, public need to cooperate


The endless debate over the state of our public schools and the criticism of the teaching profession would be comical if it were not so tragic (“It’s time to quit bashing teachers,” op-ed, Sept. 19).

To think that the average person, who has no experience spending five days a week in a classroom with 20 to 30 students, trying to meet the individual learning needs of each, can pass judgment on a teacher is beyond absurd.

Many of our lawmakers believe there are simple answers without any first-hand knowledge of issues in the classroom, then pander to the lowest common denominator — their constituents’ votes.

Teachers are not afraid of fair evaluation. But the first step in designing them is to keep legislators out of the effort, while relying more on educators who face the issues every day.

If people would take time to learn about the issues, to observe teachers in the classroom as they try to meet the demands made on them daily, or to discuss the matters with a teacher, we might be able to work together in finding solutions that benefit all of our young people.



Editor’s note: The writer is a retired public-school teacher.


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Walters’ cartoon left him laughing

Kirk Walters’ Sept. 12 Maumee Dearest editorial cartoon was another of his gems. It covered purse snatching, police manpower, “spiffy surveillance cameras,” and the sale of wallet-sized photos. The woman’s response of “Say what?” had me on the floor.

While I don’t always agree with Mr. Walters’ depictions, I can always count on a good laugh from his cartoons.




What we need are forthright politicians

It is interesting to watch Republican politicians rant about deficit reduction when we know, and they know, that they have no intention of reducing spending. Worse yet, they propose tax cuts that will increase the deficit.

Democrats tell us that we can keep all of our nice benefits, and people who make more than $250,000 will pay for them.

A forthright politician would tell us that we must either give up some of our benefits or face increased taxes to pay for them. However, any politician who says that would be out of work.




Southwyck site could be museum

Toledo Mayor Mike Bell and the City Council should look into building a museum of science and technology on the vacant site of the former Southwyck Mall.

It would attract tourists. Plenty of hotels and restaurants in the area would benefit.


South Reynolds Road