Trickle-down still won't work


In his Sept. 30 op-ed column, "Romney fades in the stretch, but Ohio's race isn't over," Blade Editor David Kushma says that a big obstacle for Mitt Romney is that the public perceives that his administration would favor the rich. Although that perception is probably correct, I feel certain historical antecedents should be considered.

Perhaps the public now realizes that trickle-down economic policies fostered by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush and by Mr. Romney are euphemisms for cutting taxes for the wealthy.

People wondered how Mr. Reagan could cut taxes for the rich, increase spending, especially for the military, and still balance the budget. He didn't.

George W. Bush did the same thing with his now famous tax cuts while fighting two wars and driving a budget deficit that President Obama is still trying to fix.

The public understands that the people who have benefited most in this country are opposed to supporting it in a reasonable way.

Former President Bill Clinton said Republicans want to reinvent trickle-down, which would cause new financial problems much like the previous failures. The surveys suggest that folks have figured that out.

Edward Nussel

Sylvania Township

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His Archbold backs Romney

I didn't recognize the Archbold you described in your Oct. 7 article "Archbold's conservative values likely to work in Romney's favor; But enthusiasm for candidate is in short supply in Fulton County village." It was as if you went out of your way to interview only those people here who don't like Mitt Romney.

That's not my experience. I have friends who are voting for President Obama, and I have some friends who aren't sure about Mr. Romney. They are not in the majority.

We are tired of this bad economy. It's time for a change. That's why the people of Archbold are excited about voting for Mr. Romney.

Kent Stamm


GOP ticket seems to rewrite history

GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's recent misstatement about his marathon running is just another attempt to distort his true record ("Ryan backs alma mater as it takes on Buckeyes," Sept. 2).

As the campaign continues, I am sure we will see more. He and Mr. Romney seem adept at rewriting history.

Jack Viren

Goddard Road

Business acumen not the answer

In response to the Sept. 9 Readers' Forum letter "Romney, Ryan have business acumen the country needs": The last successful businessman to take the helm in the White House ushered in the Great Depression.

The business of business is profit, and the business of government is to promote the public welfare. It isn't hard to see why businessmen do not necessarily make good government executives.

Because the ends of business are profit, sometimes the means are not always in the best interests of the people.

Ron Bores
