Latta better suited to be a lawmaker


U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (R., Bowling Green) has quietly done his job without scandal for so long that his dedication to duty may sometimes be taken for granted ("Zimmann for U.S. House," editorial, Oct. 2)

In the Ohio House and Senate, and now in Washington, Mr. Latta has generously devoted his time to represent his constituents.

Mr. Latta was presented with a Patriot Award by the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance at its recent "Save our Heritage" Banquet for his unwavering support of outdoor sporting activities.

A lawyer, Mr. Latta is more qualified to be a lawmaker than his challenger, Angela Zimmann, who is a combination pastor/English professor.

If The Blade can be so wrong about this pick, voters need to question the judgment of all your endorsements.

John Hageman

Weston, Ohio


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Waterville library hopes for a ‘yes'

The Waterville branch library was hit hard by our reduction in operating hours that began in 2009 ("Say yes to the library," editorial, Oct. 3). The library's staff and patrons have been feeling the pinch ever since. This blow affected all of the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library's 19 libraries.

We are requesting that county residents help us restore those hours by voting in favor of Issue 23. With the support of the local community, patrons across the county will benefit from longer hours, and more books, materials, technology, programs, and staff.

Karen Wiggins

Manager Waterville Branch Library Waterville


Senior reflects on library's benefits

I am a senior citizen who loves the Point Place branch library. My two children grew up using the library for school and loved to get books.

I enjoyed taking my grandchildren to story times and the summer reading club. I use the library to check out cookbooks and magazines and make photocopies.

I can't imagine not supporting the library levy. The library is free to everyone. We don't want to see it go away.

Clara Leruth

289th Street


Free services make library a winner

I am a mother and grandmother who loves the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library. Because I work part-time, my budget is limited, so I enjoy the free services the library provides.

I take my grandsons to the library for story times and art programs. I check out the free videos they provide.

The library levy will have my vote.

Bonnie Boyer

Sylvania Township


Irregardless, grammar suffers

I agree with the writer of the Sept. 30 Readers Forum letter "Bad grammar, ‘boughten' goods" about poor use of the language. Also, there is no such word as "irregardless," which is one of my many grammar usage pet peeves.

Mary Lu Stratso

Perrysburg Township