Levies to hit owners of property


Another challenge to many Toledoans who are struggling to hold onto their homes is the number of levies on the fall ballot (“Toledo tax crapshoot: Natural seven or snake eyes?,” op-ed column, Oct. 14). Property taxes are already too high. If anything, they should be reduced.

The state of the economy should be a sign to voters that now is not the time for property owners to take on an even heavier financial burden. These levies all add up to a big extra burden on all property owners.

People should vote against each levy.


Wildwood Road


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TPS levy to aid kids, property

It is easy to read about Toledo Public Schools' test scores and decide to vote no on the TPS levy request ("TPS challenge will get tougher without new tax," op-ed column, Oct. 21). But those who are certain to vote no should reconsider.

There are two main reasons to support the TPS levy. First, the kids. It is not their fault that money has not been managed in the best way. These kids are our future.

If you can't find it in your heart to vote for the kids, then consider your property values. Without a high-quality public school system, our home values will continue to decline, as will our neighborhoods.

If you have kids in private schools — which I do — it still is important to support the TPS levy and help get students the education they deserve.


Princeton Drive


Parents must work with teachers

Eugene Robinson's Sept. 19 op-ed column, "It's time to quit bashing teachers," provided a realistic overview of the problems that educators face. Finally, someone recognizes and places responsibility on other variables, instead of on teachers and unions that represent them.

My daughter teaches in an urban setting where the majority of students qualify for free lunch. During a parent conference, she said that homework folders had to be signed each night by the parent. The parent responded that she was too busy.

Parental involvement, regardless of socioeconomic status, trumps all other conditions. Until we can find a way for apathetic parents to partner with teachers, we are academically doomed.




Political ads should not air on Sundays

I am a disabled 58-year-old person who watches quite a bit of television. I am also a registered voter. I won't listen to any more "I approve" messages that we are bombarded with by the presidential nominees and others running for office.

God took a day of rest on the seventh day, Sunday. Maybe the candidates should take their ads off the air on Sundays until the election, to give viewers a day of rest.

During the week, my mute button on the TV remote gets used on every political ad that comes on.


West Alexis Road