Disabilities unit backs TARTA


The Toledo-Lucas County Commission on Disabilities is concerned about the potential dismantling of the public-transportation infrastructure in the county (“Stay on the bus,” editorial, Oct. 10).

The commission’s members are people with disabilities, and advocates and representatives of organizations that serve individuals with disabilities. The commission urges voters in Sylvania and Spencer townships to support the continuation of a proven public-transportation system that provides a critical service to people who cannot drive.

The ability to use the Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority and Toledo Area Regional Paratransit Service to get to dialysis treatments across town or attend religious services comes down to the voters.

The commission urges voters to vote no on Issues 14 and 15.



Toledo-Lucas County

Commission on Disabilities

North Huron Street


Submit a letter to the editor


TARTA links married couple

How many trustees and other residents of Sylvania Township have taken the bus lately? I have ridden Toledo Area Regional Paratransit Service buses with my father. I found the buses to be clean and the drivers helpful. It was an excellent experience for $2.

My parents are in separate care facilities, one of which is in Sylvania Township. My parents are in wheelchairs. The only way for them to see each other is by using TARPS.

My parents have been married for 60 years. They need TARPS to continue that relationship.

Do Sylvania Township trustees have an alternate plan? Are they assured that other vendors can provide equal or better service for less money?

Many of us are dealing with aging parents. Now is not the time to limit people’s options. Sylvania Township should keep its membership in TARTA.


Sylvania Township


Social Security rise not progress

My Social Security check will go up about $25 a month, but my Medicare Part B premium will increase about $7, and my health-insurance premium is increasing at least $36 (“Monthly Social Security payments to increase by 1.7 percent,” Oct. 16). One step forward, two steps back. It doesn’t sound like progress.




Presidential debates a waste

The presidential debates are not debates. They are just 90 minutes of free campaigning. Nothing is debated; it’s just the candidates repeating their agendas, each hoping the other will make a mistake.


Douglas Road