Bias shows in race for recorder


Your Oct. 19 ed­i­to­rial “For Lu­cas County of­fices” did not sup­port ei­ther can­di­date for county re­corder. This is an ex­am­ple of your bias to­ward Dem­o­crats and your loy­alty to unions.

Both can­di­dates for re­corder are serv­ing on Toledo City Coun­cil. The Re­pub­li­can can­di­date, George Saran­tou, has an ex­em­plary record of at­tend­ing coun­cil and com­mit­tee meet­ings. The Demo­cratic can­di­date, Phil­lip Co­peland, has one of the worst at­ten­dance records on City Coun­cil.

Be­cause the county re­corder’s job is a full-time po­si­tion, I’m go­ing to vote for the can­di­date who has a record of show­ing up for work.


Spring­field Town­ship

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Early vot­ing should be lim­ited

Your de­fense of early vot­ing is a mis­take (“Pop­u­lar vote,” ed­i­to­rial, Oct. 6). Early vot­ing will weaken the demo­cratic pro­cess and fur­ther splin­ter the vot­ing pop­u­lace.

Early vot­ing was im­ple­mented so that mem­bers of the Armed Forces could vote by snail mail and have their bal­lots de­liv­ered on time. Pro­vi­sions need to be in place for mil­i­tary per­son­nel, busi­ness­men and women, tour­ists, the hand­i­capped and home­bound, and oth­ers who value their vote.

How­ever, early vot­ing was al­lowed more than a month be­fore the elec­tion for no le­git­i­mate rea­son, and even be­fore the first pres­i­den­tial de­bate. It did a dis­ser­vice to the elec­tor­ate.

Civic lead­ers, pol­i­ti­cians, the me­dia, and ce­leb­ri­ties should en­cour­age thought­ful eval­u­a­tion and crit­i­cal think­ing about the prob­lems we face as a na­tion. Amer­i­cans need to de­mand elec­tion re­form and dis­miss pol­i­ti­cians who tickle our ears with clever sound bites, half-truths, and com­edy.


Frank­lin Avenue

Obama blames oth­ers, not him­self

Since he was elected, Pres­i­dent Obama has blamed any short­com­ings of his ad­min­is­tra­tion on some­one else. From the econ­omy to the Libyan con­sul­ate fi­asco, events on Mr. Obama’s watch have been blamed on Pres­i­dent George W. Bush, Wall Street, fat cats, or a film trailer that hardly any­one saw.

If Mitt Rom­ney wins the elec­tion, I would be will­ing to bet that he will not fault the Obama Ad­min­is­tra­tion, but in­stead ad­dress prob­lems with the same skills that turned the 2002 Winter Olym­pics from debt and cor­rup­tion to prof­it­ablily and the pride of Amer­ica.


Hagley Road

Equat­ing Bain with Play­boy

Bain Cap­i­tal did not in­vest in com­pa­nies to grow them, but to, as Mitt Rom­ney was quoted, “har­vest them at sig­nifi­cant profit” (“Rom­ney video cites Bain phi­los­o­phy,’” Oct. 2).

Mr. Rom­ney’s cam­paign com­mer­cials cit­ing his busi­ness ex­pe­ri­ence as what our na­tion needs to cre­ate good-pay­ing Amer­i­can jobs are like Hugh Hef­ner claim­ing that Play­boy mag­a­zine pro­motes chas­tity.


Mead­ow­wood Drive