Voters, remember COSI


I won’t say that I can’t imagine Toledo without Imagination Station, because I can (“Imagination Station: Yes,” editorial, Oct. 9). I had to experience that for about a year after tax levies for COSI — Center of Science and Industry — failed in 2006 and 2007.

Toledoans took for granted what they had at COSI and realized how much it affected the community when it was gone. Now that Imagination Station is here with even more fun and educational exhibits than before, we voters cannot afford to lose such a great place downtown.

The Mud Hens and Walleye sports teams and great restaurants contribute to the economic revitalization of downtown Toledo. But Imagination Station is one of the most important contributors, especially for Lucas County children and their futures.

COSI had a major impact on my childhood. It is important for my little brother and cousins to enjoy Imagination Station on a regular basis.

I support Issue 26 and encourage others to do the same.

Chapel Court

Gas price drop a coincidence?

I saw gasoline prices drop rapidly last week (“At under $3 a gallon, drivers top off tanks; Local prices dip, but skepticism at pump lingers,” Oct. 26). When is the election? What a coincidence.

Petersburg, Mich.

GOP thankful for gas cost decline?

During the presidential debates, Mitt Romney complained about gasoline rising to $4 a gallon and blamed the high cost on President Obama. I have noticed billboards blaming high fuel costs on the President and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D., Ohio).

I filled up my gas tank for $3.03 a gallon last week. I am waiting for Republicans to thank President Obama and Senator Brown for responding to their complaints.

Gilbert Road

Fishy smell part of gas price cut

Wasn’t it amazing that just two weeks before the presidential election, gasoline prices plunged?

How dumb does the Obama Administration think we are? Why weren’t these prices cut months ago?

Pemberville, Ohio

A presidential election yearly?

Gasoline prices were around $3 a gallon recently. Maybe we need a presidential election every year.

Talmadge Road