Kaptur fails nonunion workers


U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) has overstayed (“Re-elect Rep. Kaptur,” editorial, Oct. 29). Democrats and you assume that most of the middle class is represented by organized labor. Miss Kaptur fails consistently to address the concerns of middle-class residents in the private sector.

Voters in the 9th Congressional District should vote for the best candidate for the entire middle class.




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Term limits would be good

Miss Kaptur has been in Congress for 30 years. Like many other lawmakers, she spends energy to get re-elected and cannot get much useful congressional work or legislation done.

Why don’t we have term limits for members of Congress? I would favor a term-limit bill.




Record speaks well of Kaptur

Voters should return Marcy Kaptur to the House, Ms. Kaptur has served with integrity. Over her 30 years in Congress, one needs only to look at her record of successes: the national World War II Memorial in Washington, the Veterans Administration outpatient clinic on the University of Toledo’s Health Science Campus, the former Medical College of Ohio, and the Veterans Glass City Skyway bridge.

All elected officeholders are painted with the same brush. Unfortunately, those who are worthy of respect become overshadowed.

Miss Kaptur deserves to be re-elected, because she is a model of what our elected public servants should be.


Toledo City Council

District 2


‘Joe’ lauded for abortion stand

On the topic of pregnancy resulting from rape, I congratulate Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher for the courage he showed in expressing an unpopular truth while running for public office — that it is not right to execute an innocent unborn child for the sins of the father (“9th District candidates clash on almost every major issue,” Oct. 27).

Marcy Kaptur took a wishy-washy stance in the debate. She expressed the belief that such “decisions of conscience …belong to each woman.”

We don’t leave other killings to the unformed consciences of the perpetrators. If the baby were one week postpartum, the killer would go to jail.


Marengo Street


Don’t compound rape’s terror

In the debate with Miss Kaptur, Mr. Wurzelbacher said: “Rape is a terrible crime. That being said, now, does that child deserve to die for the father’s sins? It’s an innocent child, and should we destroy that life, and the answer is no.”

Must a woman who has been terrorized by rape have to deal with another crisis by having an abortion? Wouldn’t bringing forth life increase the chance of greater healing?

