2 Michigan proposals must sink


I received a postcard from Manuel Moroun, owner of the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, suggesting that we in Michigan vote yes on Proposals 5 and 6 on our ballots (“Stop the outrage,” editorial, Oct. 30).

Proposal 5 would prevent new taxes unless they are first approved by a two-thirds vote of the Michigan Legislature or a statewide vote. Proposal 6 would prevent construction of any bridge without a two-thirds vote of the Legislature or a statewide referendum.

Mr. Moroun does not want Michigan and the Canadian government to build a bridge, so that he can continue to collect tolls on his bridge.

A new bridge is a win-win situation for Michigan. The planned bridge won’t cost us a cent; its construction will create jobs.

I pray Michigan voters will take a stand against this rich guy. Michiganians should vote no on Proposals 5 and 6.




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Campaigns turn to abortion issue

In this political campaign season, abortion has been given a slick marketing makeover in a package called “women’s health.” This is deceptive. An abortion is unhealthy to the fetus, created in God’s image only to be killed.

It is not healthy for the woman who undergoes this procedure, only to have her and her loved ones suffer emotional scars for years.

It is commendable when organizations offer services such as cancer screenings, but that does not justify abortions that they provide.


Rega Drive


Campaign signs miss the point

Two familiar signs are again dotting the Toledo area this campaign season: “Pray to end abortion” and “Pray for religious freedom.” Although I believe in the power of prayer, the signs should read: “Vote to end abortion” and “Vote for religious freedom.”

We cannot continue to elect candidates who are pro-abortion or who are willing to take religion out of our institutions and expect divine intervention. This is a daunting task even for the Almighty.


Wildwood Road


Who picks up roadside signs?

Who is responsible for picking up roadside campaign signs? These signs are left in fields and where the homeowner is not there to get rid of them for politicians.


Bapst Avenue


Best way to vote? Use a coin

We voters hear the presidential nominees talk about helping the middle class and senior citizens with medical care, prescription drug coverage, and Social Security. Yet neither nominee has said how he is going to fix these problems.

How to vote? Toss a coin.

