Libya coverage lacking


In response to Jack Lessenberry’s Nov. 4 op-ed column, “Coverage of killings in Libya angers some readers”: We have plenty to be angry about.

Mr. Lessenberry says we shouldn’t rush to judgment. It has been almost two months since that event, yet you haven’t given your readers a serious look at the situation.

Mr. Lessenberry wrote that the incident is complex, but you have tackled other complex issues. Other news sources around the world have managed to find stories by people on the ground at the time, people in government who knew about security briefs, and requests for assistance, but The Blade cannot find such reports?

Op-ed columns by writers such as Charles Krauthammer, who Mr. Lessenberry mentioned, and others reinforce to us that there is information out there, and that is information The Blade ought to be sharing with readers.

Mr. Lessenberry notes that The Blade is a regional newspaper and covers news in its circulation area. The Blade also claims it is “One of America’s Great Newspapers,” which suggests that it ought to cover big news. This story is big news—for our region and for the country.

You appear to coddle your readers, assuming they can’t handle the bad news of how the Obama Administration mishandled a serious threat to our country.

You should do your job and give us the information that a good newspaper ought to provide.

Claudia Drive

Reading skills need attention

Gov. John Kasich this summer signed into law a bill that addresses the number one problem in Ohio schools: literacy.

As a past member of the third-grade reading proficiency committee of Ohio, I assessed the literacy problems that are prohibiting our students from excelling not only in the classrooms, but also in everyday life and social skills.

The reading abilities of our students in kindergarten through grade three are assessed. If needed, remedial services are provided to increase necessary skills before these students advance to the next grade.

Children should not be at a disadvantage in life because the education system fails them. Our education system should improve the quality of schooling so that our students have every advantage possible.

Charlestown Avenue

Gas prices depend on market factors

Three Oct. 30 Readers’ Forum letters attributed lower gasoline prices to President Obama, other elected officials, and the election (“Gas price drop a coincidence?,” “GOP thankful for gas cost decline?,” “Fishy smell part of gas price cut”). These letter writers perhaps forget the law of supply and demand or that the United States is part of a global economy.

We live in a capitalist society. Gasoline prices are not fixed by the government.


Hello, would this be Pat Boone?

I would like the home telephone number for Pat Boone. I deserve the privilege of calling him, day and night, for the next 60 days, like he did to me through robocalls to promote the Republican agenda for the presidential election.

By the way, who is Pat Boone?
