Column had flawed analysis


Charles Krauthammer’s Nov. 11 op-ed column, “Fret not, GOP; no reinvention necessary,” is flawed, because it does not take into consideration the Electoral College.

The only swing states that have significant Hispanic populations are Florida and Colorado. An appeal to Hispanics may gain Republicans these swing states, but this does not supply enough votes to win the college.

The key is to gain appeal among young people and women, who are more equally represented in all states.


Ottawa Hills


Submit a letter to the editor


Economy’s rehab not yet complete

The economy is like a person who has had a broken back and is in rehabilitation to learn to walk again. Expecting that person to walk normally before that process is finished would be unrealistic.

The economy has been in recovery thanks to the policies of the Obama Administration. If Republicans had spent more energy on bipartisanship instead of obstructionism, the economy’s recovery most likely would have been hastened.

It has been an uphill climb for President Obama and the economy, but at least it has been a climb instead of the plummet the economy took on President George W. Bush’s watch.


Springfield Township


How secure are voting machines?

Your Nov. 8 article “Lucas County ballot count ends 8 hours after polls close” reported that “county tabulating also was delayed … while a corrupt data card was replaced on a ballot counting machine.”

How secure are our voting machines? A Blade investigation could be helpful.


Glanzman Road


After the election, all is well

On the day after the election last week, the sun was shining and people conducted business as usual.

We did not have a civil war. There were no riots or the fulfilling of any doomsday prophecies.

Most people I know just want a fair shot at getting a job, raising a family, having affordable health care, and feeling pride in themselves for being responsible adults.

I am grateful to live in this country, where each day I have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of my family, friends, and coworkers, and even people who disagree with me.


Bowling Green


Parma visitor lauds exhibit

I had the pleasure of visiting the Toledo Museum of Art recently for the Manet showing (“‘Luscious’ Manet exhibit viewed,” Oct. 11). What a lovely surprise.

The museum is great, the show was grand, and the people were gracious. I hope to return before the exhibit ends in January.


Parma, Ohio