Thursday to be black with greed


Many peo­ple be­moan the lack of fam­ily time in Amer­ica, so why would any­one want to leave an op­por­tu­nity to be with loved ones to sit in the cold wait­ing in line to buy mer­chan­dise (“Black Fri­day creeps into Thanks­giv­ing; Stores move up open­ings to at­tract cus­tom­ers,” Nov. 18)?

Why would a mer­chant want to pro­mote such non­sense? Are the few dol­lars in profit go­ing to af­fect the store’s bot­tom line that much?

Why aren’t mer­chants ad­ver­tis­ing their real mo­tive: “We do not care about you or your fam­ily. Come spend your money in our store and lose what­ever you might have gained by spend­ing your time at home with your fam­i­lies. We are greedy. We thank you for sup­port­ing our greed.”


Adella Street


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People, give the gift of time

When re­tail­ers com­pete so in­tensely for sales that they in­fringe on the one truly fam­ily hol­i­day of the year, I do not blame re­tail­ers. Con­sum­ers have the power to re­sist.

Re­mem­ber what the day was des­ig­nated for, be­ing thank­ful for those bless­ings we have: fam­ily, free­dom, and free will.

In­stead of giv­ing in to the im­pulse to buy items, peo­ple should spend time with their fam­i­lies. That would be the best gift a per­son can give to loved ones.


Booth­bay Drive


Think of this as a time of need

The Obama Ad­min­is­tra­tion says that the strength of the econ­omy is linked to the ed­u­ca­tion sys­tem. If this is the case, then where is the sup­port?

Why are schools clam­or­ing for money? Why do vot­ers in some sub­ur­ban dis­tricts such as Per­rys­burg sup­port their stu­dents, while those in ur­ban dis­tricts such as Toledo do not?

In­vest­ing in the fu­ture of Amer­ica should not be left to one man, gov­ern­ment of­fi­cials, or schools. Each of us should take an ac­tive part in shap­ing the fu­ture of our coun­try.

Amer­i­cans have a his­tory of com­ing to­gether in times of war or nat­u­ral di­sas­ter. Why can’t we look at this as a time when we need to band to­gether?

People should vol­un­teer, men­tor, or do­nate — or at least lead by ex­am­ple.


Byrne­way Drive


Poll work­ers at De­veaux lauded

As poll cap­tain at De­veaux Ele­men­tary School, Pre­cinct 21J, I ac­knowl­edge the judges who worked with me on Elec­tion Day. Most of them had never worked an elec­tion.

Their train­ing was min­i­mal. Be­cause of their quick on-the-job learn­ing and com­mit­ment, we were able to keep our vot­ers’ wait time short and close our pre­cinct in a timely man­ner.

Con­grat­u­la­tions, girls. You were su­perb.


Marne Avenue