Grow jobs, avoid the fiscal cliff


Kudos to Blade Editor David Kushma for his Dec. 2 op-ed column, “The my-way highway runs off the fiscal cliff.” He reminds us that two-thirds of Americans agree that budget reform must include tax increases and spending cuts.

But his main point, stressing long-term growth as the best approach to shrinking the deficit, should be the one discussed in Congress. Growth depends on stimulating employment.

Gov. John Kasich has zeroed in on the most important aspect of this problem: job training. The priority is to deal with technological change, which requires enhancing skills to meet job requirements. This, not the fiscal cliff, should be the topic of congressional debate.

Our real problem is not the cliff. We do not know how to govern ourselves.


Bowling Green


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Congress should read column

Mr. Kushma spoke to my feelings and those of so many other Americans. Can’t the people in Washington see beyond their posturing and bluffing and realize what they are doing to this country?

I wish there was something to do to make lawmakers see what the outcome will be if they continue on the route they are on.

Mr. Kushma’s column should be read by the President and members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, in the hope that it would make them think again about their actions.




No Christmas for Congress

There should be no Christmas break for Congress until it settles the budget. Legislators need to get busy and work for the people they were elected to represent, not their political party.


Middleton Township


Give rich a choice of how to help

The federal government should give the rich a choice of having their hoarded wealth go to conventional taxes to be used for the common good, or investing it in domestic companies that will generate taxable profits for the rich and for government use for the common good.

Either way would transfer money from the wealthy, who still would be rich, to those who need help through government entitlements. It would be a win-win economic solution for Republicans and Democrats.


Shoreland Avenue


Incumbents take care of their own

If you are an incumbent, political strategy is not complicated. You just keep doling out tax dollars to your favorite constituency — entitlements come to mind — and watch the votes flow in.


River Road