Individual rights out of control


Why are incidents such as the killing of 20 schoolchildren in Newtown, Conn., continuing to happen (“Town shattered by gun violence,” Dec. 16)?

I believe it’s a case of individual rights that are out of control. Our rights have eroded into something our Founding Fathers would have rejected as self-gratification, lack of self-discipline, and excuse-making, with many Americans refusing to accept responsibility for their actions.

When I was a high school teacher, I told my students that there is a fine line between our democratic rights and anarchy. Since our Constitution was written, the basic principles of government have been twisted to meet our individual needs.

The time has come for our political leaders on the left and right to re-examine our basic moral beliefs and decide where the nation needs to go to make our schools and neighborhoods safer places.


Overland Parkway


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Schools should have gun safes

Gun control is not the answer. Strategically placed gun safes would be a good idea in a school. A shooter can now be sure that there will not be a single gun in a school.

It would have been nice if one of those heroic teachers had been able to minimize the damage, if not stop it.


South Detroit Avenue


Mich. protests far from peaceful

I was disappointed by your coverage of those who protested right-to-work legislation in Lansing (“Mich. governor signs ‘right-to-work’ law; Thousands of protesters swarm Capitol,” Dec. 12).

Your article called the protests “mostly peaceful.” There is too much evidence that many of these protesters were anything but peaceful.

A TV reporter was assaulted. A tent provided by supporters of the legislation was torn down. That’s a little more than a “collapse.”

Thankfully, there were a few protesters with enough sense to be concerned about the safety of those inside the tent, which included people in wheelchairs and children.

I wish The Blade would have exhibited that same concern for journalism.


Harding Township


The other side of right-to-work

Virtually no one in the media has reported the other side of the right-to-work coin: Individuals may opt out of paying union dues, but the law still requires unions to represent them to the fullest extent.

This includes the arbitration of grievances, which costs dues-paying members thousands of dollars.

Now let’s talk about fairness.

