Which right is more important?


When did we become a country in which it is more important that people have the right to carry concealed weapons than kids have the right to feel safe going to school? We should all have a right to go to work and to church without worrying about being shot.

Should we start installing metal detectors at all public places, or can we get serious about limiting the guns people can have access to?

We had better start having serious discussions about what we can do to stop this craziness.

I suggest that the National Rifle Association be a leader in limiting gun violence and not an automatic opponent of any suggestion to limit gun access.




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Teachers do more than teach

Teachers instruct children in the essentials of reading, writing, and math, so that they may become educated, productive members of our community. They comfort children when they are hurt or sad.

Teachers may observe signs of abuse of children and report it to appropriate authorities.

The teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School placed their bodies in front of children in an effort to protect them when they were attacked.

The next time people vote on a school levy and ask themselves whether teachers make too much money, a better question might be: Can we ever pay them enough?


Mount Vernon Avenue


Popular culture stokes violence

Why did it take the murder of 20 children in a “safe” place to get the attention of this country about guns?

Television shows, movies, videos, and music make this heinous behavior seem glamorous.

Try going to a movie and sitting through the trailers for all the coming features. Most of them are so violent, you can hardly stay to see a pleasant or historical production.

We should demand the end of these terrible forms of entertainment. No teacher should have to tote a gun at school to ensure parents that they have sent their precious children to a safe haven for the day.


Valley Brook Drive


Violent film must be boycotted

Your review of the new movie Jack Reacher appeared beside a column about film violence (“Violence is tolerated in movies,” Dec. 21). I do not plan to see Jack Reacher.

A mass audience boycott of this film might send a message to its Hollywood supporters, whose sole interest is making money.


Ottawa Hills