Time to focus on the poor


It’s unfortunate that you editorialized about the poor during the season of love and good cheer (“Demonizing the poor,” editorial, Dec. 22). We’ve all heard about people who make a career out of freeloading or cheating the welfare system. As you pointed out, legislation needs to be promoted to control various activities of such people.

However, will corrective measures consider the welfare recipients who are children? Their education is a major concern. Besides the children, will the needs of the elderly, unemployed, unemployable, and working poor be considered? If you don’t like welfare, would you hire such people or change places with them?

Many of our representatives claim to be people with a religious preference. Perhaps they need to read Matthew 19:21, where Jesus said: “Sell your possessions and give to the poor.”


Sylvania Township


Submit a letter to the editor


Shingles vaccine? Check drug plan

Your Dec. 17 article “Getting costly shingles vaccine might be worth it to adults 60 and older” omitted the fact that many prescription drug plans cover the cost of this vaccine.

The vaccination can be administered by a registered pharmacist at many local pharmacies. All one needs to do is get a prescription from a physician and present it at the pharmacy.

My wife recently received her vaccination with no co-payment through her prescription drug coverage.

Adults who are recommended for this vaccination should contact their prescription drug carrier to inquire about their coverage.


Springfield Township


Vaccine goes uncovered

My doctor advised me to get the shingles vaccine because I am 66. He told me that the cost would be more than $300 and that I should check with my insurer to make sure it was covered.

It is not covered by Medicare. A vaccine for a virus that occurs in many older people is not covered by insurance specifically for older people. What’s wrong with this picture?




Holiday generosity in district lauded

The generosity of our Springfield-Holland community enriched the lives of our children and families this holiday season (“Springfield teens step in as elves; 20 help wrap gifts for area needy children,” Dec. 18).

The holidays were made brighter for the families of more than 250 Springfield schools’ children. Food and gifts were offered by our students, teachers, staff members, individuals within the community, our corporate partners, churches, and Rotarians.

These generous people showed the joy of giving and enriched the lives of many. For that and so much more, I thank all those who were involved.


Superintendent Springfield Local Schools Holland