Lax morals add to issue of violence


With the progression of movies and TV programs glorifying violence and immoral conduct came the desensitizing of Americans, particularly young ones, to the consequences of violence and sexual immorality (“Between holiday and horror, there’s hope,” op-ed column, Dec. 23).

Music verses whined lyrical about the futility of life and promoted disrespect, if not violence, toward women. The computer age spawned violent video games where the number of points awarded depended on the number of people killed in the shortest amount of time.

Solutions to the violent massacres are not to be found in gun bans. Mental illness, lax morals, and secularism are much more the problem.


309th Street


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More teachers, not guns, to help

The tragedy in Newtown, Conn., has created a call to arms, and even some school boards seem to be considering allowing teachers to carry guns in school. This sad state of affairs is fueled by many who feel that more guns are the answer to school safety.

At the same time, schools in Ohio and other states are cutting teachers and allowing class sizes to increase.

The safety and long-term welfare of children in schools depend on more and better teachers, and not those who carry guns. But there is no outrage over fewer teachers or bigger class sizes, and this is where there should be greater concern.

Ensuring that students get the best education they can with fewer teachers is not a reality. More teachers and a better educated populace are the answer for a better future and a safer environment.


Sylvania Township


Discourage potential shooters

Shootings and killings in public places will continue until positive steps are taken to discourage the criminal crazies who do these things.

These cowardly killers avoid places that might become uncomfortable for them. So, the dangerous places are schools, theaters, libraries, and stadiums, as well as other places where there are signs banning firearms.

It is probable that colleges and universities have staff members and students who are licensed to carry concealed weapons. School administrators should revoke the “no firearms permitted” restrictions and allow those who are licensed to carry a concealed weapon to do so.




Don’t be so quick to ban assault guns

I have some suggestions for your readers and op-ed columnists who continue to point out that most of the guns used in recent shootings are not suitable for hunting.

People should read the Second Amendment. There is no reference to hunting. They should look up the definition of militia, then answer this: if circumstances necessitated the formation of militias, how could law-abiding citizens do so if all of the effective weaponry had been banned or confiscated?


Waterville Township