Beware alternate heating sources


While increased supply has dramatically lowered natural gas prices, there are still many homes in need. These households may feel the only option this winter is to turn to an alternative heating source for warmth and comfort.

We know far too many homes in our community turn to these resources, with unfortunate results. According to the Toledo chapter of the American Red Cross, alternative heating sources are the leading cause of winter fires. 

Using a kitchen oven, charcoal grills, or even a candle can have life-threatening consequences. A portable space heater, if it is not properly positioned or vented, can lead to an emergency situation.

In most cases, these situations are unnecessary, because help to pay utility bills is widely available.

Columbia Gas will work with customers to ensure they are never in a position to have service interrupted and to ensure that families and homes are never at risk from an unsafe heating source.

People can call Columbia Gas at 1-800-344-4077 to find out more about what help is available and where to turn for assistance in our community.


Manager Communications and Community Relations Columbia Gas of Ohio East Manhattan Street