Stansley had what we needed


I and an employee recently formed a company to commercialize a product that we intend to sell to a niche market. Production of a concept model required specialized knowledge of several forms of technology — knowledge that our company did not possess.

We could have obtained this knowledge in the commercial sector outside Toledo. We chose instead to inquire first at the University of Toledo. We received no satisfaction.

I contacted Rick Stansley, Jr., at University of Toledo Innovation Enterprises. Within a few days, Mr. Stansley put me in contact with a UT professor in the college of engineering who has the requisite knowledge.

Mr. Stansley helped us create a mutually beneficial relationship with UT that will bring our product to market.

Without the involvement of Mr. Stansley, we would have obtained the knowledge we required outside of Toledo. If he is doing for others what he did for our start-up company, kudos to him.

In addition to its primary mission of education, UT has a duty to this community to assist local companies in advancing worthwhile economic endeavors.


President Geospatial Analysts, LLC

Springfield Township


Submit a letter to the editor


Article points out tax fund abuse

Your exposé of Mr. Stansley brings to light another abuse of taxpayer funds at a state university.

UT President Lloyd Jacobs should be gone, along with those who approved such an outrageous financial mess “just to be careful,” as Dr. Jacobs said in your article.

The rich get richer, the moochers pay nothing, and the producers keep getting stuck with more taxes and regulations.




Exposing agency is commendable

I congratulate The Blade for exposing such inept practices in managing public funds.

I wonder whether Mr. Stansley knows what all the investment projects listed in your article are all about.


Monclova Township