Magazine, gun control decried


Banning semi-automatic weapons would be a blatant infringement on our constitutional rights (“The coming miracle on gun control,” op-ed column, Feb. 26). It also is a weak-minded concession to forces that are attempting to capitalize on the mental deficiencies of a few individuals to punish law-abiding citizens.

Similarly, restricting the size of ammunition magazines is a ploy to harass citizens for political advantage by those who are ill-informed.

To presume that criminals or the evil-minded will submit to any gun control is naive. With radicals increasingly active, gang and drug activity running rampant, and robberies and assaults occurring as the economy continues to be weak, responsible citizens wonder why the government is intent on disarming us and reducing our ability to defend ourselves.


Cloister Road


Submit a letter to the editor


Will criminals get gun insurance?

There have been a lot of calls for more so-called gun control, and now, for gun insurance (“Gun insurance,” editorial, Feb. 27).

Are criminals going to sign up first?


Westbrook Drive


Armed guards at schools not doable

In the aftermath of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, we have been inundated with suggestions and opinions about the best way to avoid a repeat catastrophe.

Guns in the hands of school staff or an armed security guard would not make our schools safer. They would create more problems than they would solve.

A school could be protected from a similar disaster only if a soldier was stationed at each door of the school for the duration of the school day. There would have to be a spare to cover during lunch and breaks.

The elementary school where I teach has five entrances. The idea of armed guards at every entrance to every school is preposterous.


Bowling Green


NRA should not govern America

We should not be governed by the National Rifle Association. If members of Congress get campaign money from the NRA, it’s time to vote them out.

If shootings involved their families or close friends, they might see things differently.


Weston, Ohio