Cooperation over care is healthy


It is time to applaud ProMedica, Mercy, and the University of Toledo Medical Center for joining together and working with others to improve the overall public health of our community (“Fostering a healthy community — together,” op-ed column, Feb. 21).

Excellent acute care is critical. Our medical institutions excel at this. But with a consistent, cooperative, and dedicated push for better lifestyles and prevention programs, we can improve our collective public health. This has been and remains the mission of local public health departments.

The economic future of our area depends on the health of our community. This cooperative agreement is just the beginning.

All of us need to keep working on this together. Our three major local medical centers are taking a large step forward.

Commissioner Toledo-Lucas County Health Department North Erie Street

Organized labor attorney lamented

Toledo lost a great asset with the passing of Jack Gallon (“Labor law attorney helped FLOC get historic 1st pact,” March 11). Mr. Gallon was a passionate advocate of working people, organized labor, and the causes that he cherished.

While a fierce adversary on labor/management issues, he was always a gentleman. While he served on the Board of Park Commissioners of Metroparks of the Toledo Area, Mr. Gallon always deferred to the advice of its attorneys on legal matters, although he was thoroughly versed on laws relating to the park district.

All of us who knew Mr. Gallon will miss him, his vast store of knowledge, and his rare blend of wisdom and humility.

Sylvania Township
Editor’s note: The writer is an attorney with Spengler Nathanson PLL in Toledo.

Top-quality politicians needed

The people of Ohio had better start concerning themselves with the quality, honesty, and sincerity of state politicians who do the people’s business (“Kasich vows Ohio won’t slow progress; Governor defends plans to expand Medicaid,” Feb. 20).

Otherwise, Ohioans will settle for second best and discover that the people’s business is ignored. Special interests and personal, selfish agendas are what we have from the Statehouse to our houses.

Scottwood Avenue

Mentally ill do follow gun laws

I take issue with the statement in the March 1 Readers’ Forum letter “Criminals fear armed opponents” that “criminals do not obey firearms laws, nor do the mentally ill.”

I have a mental illness and I definitely follow firearms laws, as do lots of other folks with mental illness.

Perrysburg Township