Rodman may have right idea


I watched the interview by George Stephanopoulos of ABC News with former basketball star Dennis Rodman after the ex-athlete returned from an unprecedented visit to North Korea and a talk with that country’s leader, Kim Jong Un (“Rodman to vacation with N. Korean leader,” March 15). In our drive to confront North Koreans on human rights violations, we are inflaming them even further.

However right we are to condemn North Korea’s policies, Mr. Rodman is on the right track. He makes a good point about Mr. Kim’s youth and inexperience, and about connecting with him in a positive, common way.

As a licensed counselor, I believe Mr. Rodman’s approach is psychologically correct. Research proposes that play is essential for building trust and positive relationships. So on that point, maybe basketball isn’t a bad place to start improving relations with North Korea, as Mr. Rodman suggested.

Rudolph, Ohio

Justice right to point out racism

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor recently condemned racially charged language used by a federal prosecutor in a Texas drug case. The prosecutor rhetorically asked: “You’ve got African Americans, you’ve got Hispanics, you’ve got a bag full of money. Does that tell you — a light bulb doesn’t go off in your head and say, this is a drug deal?”

This prosecutor’s reported remark indicates that whites rarely talk to other whites about racism. Whites have semi-consciously been taught that people of color are not quite as good as whites.

White-on-white talk about racism can help increase awareness of the pitfalls of continued racism. The Blade and other newspapers have not given enough attention to the destructive racial prejudice that continues in our country.


Gasoline prices are a scam

Gasoline prices remain high because the oil industry can get away with charging them ("Cars less thirsty, yet gas cost rises," Readers’ Forum, March 15). The people we put in office are turning their backs.

When local media say gas prices in this area are still below the national average, the next day gas prices jump up. What a scam.

321st Street

Finding a perfect church is difficult

Maybe all the prodigal sons and daughters could just go to another church (“‘Prodigal son’ urges change,” Readers’ Forum, March 14).

And maybe they could forgive what has happened in the Catholic Church, and tolerate how 1.2 billion people choose to worship and be guided by their leaders.

Finding a perfect church could be difficult.
