Portman’s shift shows character


It was nice that you recognized the brave position taken by U.S. Sen. Rob Portman to support same-sex marriage (“Sen. Portman’s conversion,” editorial, March 19).

As a former general counsel of Owens Corning, I had the opportunity to work with Senator Portman. It came as no surprise to me that he changed his position after learning that his son is gay. Mr. Portman has strong convictions, but he is willing to consider new perspectives.

He explained that “ultimately, it came down to the Bible’s overarching themes of love and compassion and my belief that we are all children of God.” That is the Rob Portman I know. He advances policy based on his belief about what is right.

Many other national leaders have changed their perspectives on same-sex marriage. Senator Portman’s reason for his change has just been more personal.

It has therefore been disappointing to see some suggest that his support of marriage equality is motivated by politics rather than by compassion and fundamental fairness.


Monclova Township


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How do voters for Portman feel?

Senator Portman has become a media darling since he came out in favor of gay marriage after his son said that he is gay. I wonder whether people who voted for Mr. Portman based on the values he claimed to have and the positions he took will be so quick to understand and change their own beliefs.

Marriage is the institution that brings children into a society, and raises them so that a society can have a future. You can’t build a future society on gay marriage, but it might make some people happy for now.




Nature defines what marriage is

It is not within the purview of the President, the U.S. Supreme Court, Congress, or any other person or institution to change the definition of marriage. Marriage has been defined by the nature of mankind.

Though not every occasion of sexual intercourse results in a new life and not every marriage is blessed with children, the ultimate function of sexual intercourse is the continuation of the human race.

Until two males, unassisted, or two females, unassisted, can create a new human through their intercourse, a term other than marriage will have to be used to define their relationship. Gay marriage, like jumbo shrimp, is an oxymoron.


Sylvania Township


Same-sex union needs new word

The word “marriage” can apply only to a male and a female. Two males or two females who commit to one another might be given a special name, but it cannot be marriage.

It is important that society reserve this word for the commitment of one man and one woman to each other.

With this understanding, perhaps the residents of each state would discontinue applying the word marriage to the commitment of two men or two women to each other. Perhaps we could develop a new term to denote the relationship.

