Social Security threatened


Social Security is portrayed as a giveaway program (“Ryan’s worst budget yet,” guest editorial, March 14). It is not. It is a savings and insurance program. Its money was to stay in the Social Security trust fund until we senior citizens retired, and it was to draw interest until we called on the system to repay our investment.

Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan in the House would destroy a program that has been successful for 78 years. This system can provide earned benefits until 2034.

Changing the consumer price index could place at risk the base for the Social Security cost-of-living increase for older Americans.

Social Security has not added one cent to the national deficit. Lawmakers in Washington took the trust fund and spent it, and now blame us and reduce our long-range plan for Social Security. Shame on them.


Robin Road


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Like campaign, Ryan plan a loser

When it comes to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s 2013 budget, it seems the Republican Party just doesn’t get it (“Senate narrowly passes budget; White House praises effort; compromise with GOP unlikely,” March 24).

A loser is a loser. Mr. Ryan’s budget has as much chance of success as did his past run for vice president.


Ottawa Lake, Mich.


New Arkansas law challenges ‘Roe’

The new Arkansas law on abortion pinpoints the inadequacy of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade (“Arkansas adopts ban on abortion at 12 weeks,” March 7).

If a fetus is a person and subject to the protection of the law, it is so on day one. The killing of another person, one day old or 90 years old, is a crime subject to punishment unless it can be justified.

The killing of a fetus solely because it is an inconvenience and not wanted is a selfish act. If society is not willing to punish a woman for having an abortion, and leaves it a matter between herself and her God, OK.

But let’s not let her off the hook by saying it is not a killing.


Broadway Street


Let’s call the new crocodile ‘Crikey’

There almost certainly will be a naming competition for the Toledo Zoo’s newest inhabitant (“Huge crocodile coming to Toledo; Block family donation helps acquire reptile, renovate facility,” March 12).

As an Australian, I can think of no better name for the new croc than “Crikey” — an Australian exclamation for amazement often used by the late, beloved Steve Irwin, known as the Crocodile Hunter.


Sylvania Township