Sales tax rate cut won’t last


Your March 22 editorial “Taxing services” explains that Gov. John Kasich proposes a tax on services in exchange for a reduction in the state’s sales tax rate.

Beware the carrot. Michigan Gov. John Engler promised to lower property taxes in exchange for a higher sales tax. Within a few years, property taxes were higher than they previously were, and there still was the sales tax.

Politicians will not give back a tax once they have it. I hope those who vote on this are opposed to it, because the tax on services is a bad idea.


Grand Rapids, Ohio


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Eliminate taxes for businesses

Your March 13 editorial “Raise the severance tax” proves the lack of common sense among you and politicians. You don’t seem to realize that industry passes taxes on to consumers.

Removing taxes from business would lower the cost of products and create jobs.


Hannaford Drive


Youth need to be taught virtues

In Steubenville, as in every other city and village that is experiencing problems with young people, some questions require answers (“Steubenville needs to deal with aftermath of its rape case,” op-ed column, March 23).

Most of the lewd conduct took place in homes. Where were the parents?

Access to a car seems to be prevalent among young people. When was the curfew, and why wasn’t it enforced?

In addition to our sense of shame at unlawful behavior, the virtues of chastity and modesty, as well as respect for oneself and others, must be instilled in childhood and strengthened as the child matures.

Are these virtues discussed in sex education classes in school, or is there a leap to, “If you decide to have sex, be sure to use a condom.”?

We are failing our young people.




Adults share blame in rape

It appropriate that the two boys in Steubenville who raped the 16-year old girl are jailed, but why have we not heard anything about the homes where the parties took place (“Grand jury to consider more charges; Rape investigation grows; new judge to be appointed,” March 19)?

Who provided the alcohol these teenagers drank? Where were the adults when the drinking took place? Did they just look away, or were no adults present?

The adults share responsibility.


Princeton Drive