Littering troubles ignored


I applaud the effort of the students who participated in the 2013 University of Toledo Big Event to clean a targeted area (“Students get up early to pitch in for cleaner city; 1,400 help pick up trash, plant community gardens,” March 24). The fact that they had to do that speaks to a larger problem.

America the beautiful has turned into America the ashtray. In Northwest Ohio, it seems as though litter is everywhere. It’s disgusting. It’s unacceptable. It has to stop.

What will it take to get area residents to stop this irresponsible practice? Officials should enforce anti-littering laws. Businesses should be held responsible for keeping their sites clean.

The energy of these committed young people should be used to reach out to their peers, their families, and their communities to make littering unacceptable.


Litter a part of bigger problem

I agree with the letter writer who believes Toledo’s appeal would be enhanced if we picked up litter (“Litter spoiling Toledo’s beauty,” Readers’ Forum, March 30). However, in the unlikely event that this ever happens, the result would amount to little more than a scratching of the surface.

Far more offensive is the crop of yard-sign-sized placards that clutter seemingly every exit ramp and major intersection. They’re usually offering to buy your house, sell you a used car or a new mattress, encourage you to vote for a politician, or tempt you to attend an event.

Then there is the all too-common sight of tangles of drooping overhead wires. The intersection of Secor Road and Central Avenue is a particularly nasty example.

Litter, unwanted signs, and untidy wires are all part of the same problem: blight. Sad to say, it appears that blight is not going away anytime soon.

Goddard Road

There must be one law for all

In response to your March 26 editorial about California’s ban on same-sex marriage, “One law for all”: You only refer to the Constitution when it favors one of your pet causes. I don’t remember the one-law ideal referred to when hate-crime legislation was the cause of the day.

A crime is a crime and a victim is a victim, no matter his or her skin color. That would be one law for all.

Monclova Township

Same-sex issue needs God’s hand

Marriage has been between a man and a woman since God created Adam and then gave him Eve, so they could multiply.

Marriage is a religious and moral uniting. It’s not a political or a court issue. If same-sex couples want to be united as one, that is their choice. But do not call it marriage.

Politicians should pass a law that would allow a same-sex couple to enjoy the same survivors’ benefits that married couples enjoy.

May God help us in solving this problem.
