It may be late, but Viet vets thanked


In response to the April 16 Readers’ Forum letter “So now you want to honor Viet vets?”: I want to clarify the upcoming Vietnam Era Veterans Appreciation Event.

I have heard comments similar to those the writer heard. His being called a baby killer and being spat on when he returned from Vietnam was wrong. We cannot correct what people said, but he should be proud of his service.

Our community would like to thank our veterans for their service and help them in any way we can. We know this is too late for some, but we will be providing services at the event that Vietnam veterans have determined would benefit their lives.

Our hope is to have a celebration and to make life better for at least one veteran the day after the event.


Edgehill Road

Editor’s note: The writer is co-director of the Toledo Vietnam Era Veterans Appreciation Event, to be held June 5-9. More information is available at the event’s Web site: