Copeland must only be recorder


I wish I could have a part-time job such as Lucas County recorder that pays $71,286 a year (“Copeland won’t quit union job; County recorder seeks new term as business manager,” April 18).

I wish I could have a job as a union business manager that paid me $126,127 a year. This type of pay insanity needs to stop.

As a full-time teacher with Toledo Public Schools, I am entrusted with the education of our city’s youth. I make $44,000 a year, plus benefits.

The county recorder job demands the full-time attention of Phil Copeland for that amount of money.

The next time Mr. Copeland knows he will be quoted in a newspaper, he should use better English to make us comfortable that we elected someone who has some intelligence and integrity.


Meadowwood Drive


Submit a letter to the editor


Broken promise is no surprise

Does it surprise anyone that county Recorder Copeland is going to keep his union job, even though as he was campaigning for office he promised that he would give it up? Sounds like another in a long line of promises to voters that any number of politicians have made and broken.

When are we voters going to remember what these people tell us and what they end up doing?


Claredale Road


Returnee should start at bottom

A partial solution to the issue of an employee who chooses to retire, then returns to that job, might be that the person who wants to return would be considered a new employee and should start at the entry level of pay, not the previous salary (“Council OKs rehiring of police chief; Diggs to collect salary, pension for same job,” April 3).

This would save the community some money and would make the situation more palatable to the public.


Spencer Township


Double dipper’s meaning changes

Years ago, a double dipper meant two scoops of ice cream. Today, the meaning has changed.


Barbara Drive


Closing bases would be foolish

In response to the writer of the April 5 Readers’ Forum letter “Close overseas bases to cut deficit”: In light of recent developments in North Korea, closing bases would cripple our safety.

By having military bases overseas we are able to support our allies in times of crises. Also, how would President Obama carry out his drone campaign against the jihadists in Afghanistan and Pakistan without bases in foreign countries?

It is important to keep embassies open because we need a presence overseas to see firsthand what is going on in other countries.

To cut our military and overseas staffing is not only penny-wise and pound-foolish, but also dangerous to us.

